Good to see that the Society is focussing on the BIG issues!
JoinedPosts by stuckinarut2
2018-04-11-E-BOE--Speaker's Monitor!
by Atlantis in2018-04-11-e-boespeaker's monitor!.
All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster- The saviour of hungry people the world over!
Palm Coast Facility Shut down
by loneranger ini understand the teaching facility in palm coast florida usa has been shut down now for about three months or so already.
this is the facility the wts purchased from embrey riddle univ.
a few years ago.
Ah, yes...Jehovah must have been asleep or on the toilet at the time of this decision being made!
I attended my 2nd exjw meetup and it was brilliant
by UnshackleTheChains ini decided to attend my 2nd scottish exjw meetup and what a blast.
so many experiences.
it was incredibly engaging to actually meet people in the flesh and hearing their personal stories.. the damage the watchtower organisation causes to peoples lives is absolutely disgusting.
WTF Himself I am??????
GDPR Query
by Lost in the fog ini know that there's been a lot posted about this already but i wanted to ask if anyone knew if the wts was in breach of the information commissioner's office (uk) directive or am i misunderstanding something.
the ioc give a list of requirements with regards to charities and in part it says .
that consent is not a precondition for the service provided.
I attended my 2nd exjw meetup and it was brilliant
by UnshackleTheChains ini decided to attend my 2nd scottish exjw meetup and what a blast.
so many experiences.
it was incredibly engaging to actually meet people in the flesh and hearing their personal stories.. the damage the watchtower organisation causes to peoples lives is absolutely disgusting.
Yes, such meet-ups are great!
We have made some truly wonderful friends by meeting other ex-jws!
Your Favorite Plays on Words
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow word lovers:.
please add your favorite, clever smithing of words.. ****************************.
time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana..
Your Favorite Plays on Words
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow word lovers:.
please add your favorite, clever smithing of words.. ****************************.
time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana..
Publisher ID: leaked video clip 2 of 4
by Fay Dehr in"if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― george orwell, 1984 this video is leaked in interest of human dignity; you deserve to know who is keeping personal data and how they plan to expand their nets.
open to your comments...
[videos 1 to 4 leaked as own posts, with specific comments for each video].
The information they have is more than just Date of Birth or Baptism date etc.
Those records show things like "sins / judicial reprovals / and elders reviews of one's 'spirituality' etc"
It contains a summary of the person's value if you like. And if the individual is deprived the opportunity to see those records, then that is what is disturbing! A person's character can be maligned in an inaccurate way, and yet they have no right of reply.
With the ramped up talk are the governing body trying to coerce Jehovah to bring on Armageddon?
by nowwhat? ini loathe hypothetical questions on this forum.
but i got the honest impression that they are so delusional they can bring on armageddon with all their talk and jehovah will have no choice but to act.
( not that i believe in armageddon anymore).
Classic "persecution complex" behaviour.
They revel in, and crave this in a paranoid manner, as it somehow gives credibility to their claims.
So, probably in their minds, the MORE they talk about it, the "realer" it becomes.