Great thread Dubstepped.
We had an elder conducting the group study with the Revelation book once who said "Eye-Slave" (instead of a healing ointment "eye-salve")
Everyone started saying "eye-slave" as well.
i'm listening to a podcast where a former elder describes how another elder conducted the watchtower study about hyperbole.
the elder called it hyper-bowl.
soon the whole congregation called it hyper-bowl.
Great thread Dubstepped.
We had an elder conducting the group study with the Revelation book once who said "Eye-Slave" (instead of a healing ointment "eye-salve")
Everyone started saying "eye-slave" as well.
looks like they are going to advertise on tv!.
lol that is new.
They have made this trailer, with a note saying "this public service announcement has been made available for media outlets to broadcast at their discretion"
It is kind of an attempt to see if the media will broadcast it if they have a slow news day.....
what do you make of this part of the march 2018 watchtower study edition?.
2 among other things, peter urged his brothers: “be hospitable to one another.” (1 pet.
4:9) the word “hospitality” in greek literally means “fondness for, or kindness to, strangers.” note, however, that peter urged his christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable “to one another,” to those whom they already knew and associated with.
So what did the parable of the Good Samaritan show?
That loving hospitality was shown NOT by members of the SAME religion, but actually by an APOSTATE person - someone who was not of the same beliefs...
So why is it that the GB have tried to redefine that message nowadays?
i've heard numerous people here say something like, 'the best revenge is living a good life'.
well, apparently the wt agrees, in the august study edition:.
at times, people maysay unfair or critical things about us.
We do exactly the same ToesUp.
But only just today I got abused by a Jw who said that I was "being a smart arse by trying to act all nicely and friendly" to the witnesses who are spreading spreading slanderous stuff around about us.
He literally attempted to redefine our happiness and kindness, as some sort of fake ploy we are putting on!
It amazes me. If our life turned to shit after walking away from the cult, they would gloat over it and say things like "well that's what happens when you leave the truth"
But if our life is happy, successful and defined by kindness, they will say it's all a put-on!
I shouldn't be surprised really. That's cult propaganda at work.
it’s quite affirming to see the horrific material that they’re serving up at the convention this year.
aside from blatant homophobia, the scenes at the end of the convention that are discussed on another thread stoop to new levels of fear mongering.
it seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
Brilliant thread!
Thanks for starting it. It really is disturbing to see how bat shit crazy this religion has become. The epitome of paranoia and FOG (fear obligation guilt)
(And thanks @wakeme for the mention)
i went to a funeral yesterday and ran into a jdub.
of course, he approached me and it didn't take more than a minute into the conversation for him to get into the jdub gloom and doom mode.
he said that world conditions have never been as bad as they are now.. i looked straight into his eyes and said, "i think that world conditions were a lot worse during world war two.".
Yep, a common complain offered by so many religious people; especially JWs.
Seth Andrews gave a great speech on this:
The whole speech is great! But go to 11:20 to see a good point!
i wonder sometimes just how jws try and comprehend what perfect life would really be like if "adam and eve" had not sinned?.
how would we live?
what would the realities be like?
Well said Simon! Agreed.
revealed: ex-jehovah's witness turned model, 45, left a video and suicide note blaming childhood sex abuse and exclusion from her religion for killing her husband and children.
lauren stuart of keego harbor, michigan had been researching suicide methods on youtube and videos on how to use a glock for weeks .
Wow, that quote you listed Dubstepped is disturbing.
Its so eerily similar to the comments that the father of children slain by their grandfather in a murder suicide in Western Australia said this week!
He was quoted as saying "I'm not sad. Don't be sad for them" or words to that effect!
Are those with JW indoctrination that heartless??
foetus baptism - surely coming to a watchtower study article soon?
jw parents are reminded of 2 ti.3:14,14 "from infancy you have known the holy writings".
and the watchtower explains the greek word bre'phos "infancy" as follows: " is generally used of an unborn child.
Well, a baby is already surrounded by fluid in the womb right? So technically they just need to be asked the two questions, and answer "in a clear and affirmative wahhhh" and march out with a kingdom melody playing in the background!
we just enjoyed a wonderful evening seeing richard dawkins live in sydney.
it was an event to promote his latest book, and was another opportunity to expand our "god given" brains!😜.
The event was hosted by John Safran, a legendary Australian media personality who has specialised in exposing religious stupidity over the years. He had a tv show called "John Safran vs God" . Most of it can be found on YouTube.
I was privileged to meet him and have a great chat! I shared our background as Jws and our journey from high control cult like belief to one of reason and facts. He was lovely to chat to.
This clip of his from a few years back was a great one! It exposes the irony of Door to Door preaching: (aimed at Mormons, but can be applied to us!)