We just bought it officially (happy to support such an awesome endeavour!) through amazon.
It will be shipped to us here in Australia in a month or so.
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
We just bought it officially (happy to support such an awesome endeavour!) through amazon.
It will be shipped to us here in Australia in a month or so.
we all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign.
no doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the governing body's views to the russian authorities.. what can't we all do the same to the governing body?.
with the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the society!
Fair responses. Thanks all for your feedback.
I hear what you are saying.
Well, I know of at least three local appointed men who have simply stopped attending (not DF or DA) who have sent in letters to their respective congregations requesting any and all data held on them by any office of the organization.
The local governmental departments that deal with Privacy Laws have given their support and backing to the endeavours.
Lets see how it unfolds.
with the ever present issue of the society seeming to run out of money, and constantly asking the flock for more donations, maybe it is time to revive this quote!.
the leaked financial dept videos that have done the rounds, clearly show the society is in desperate trouble financially.. so, where is the "almighty's hand"?
where is his ability to provide funds?
With the ever present issue of the Society seeming to run out of money, and constantly asking the flock for more donations, maybe it is time to revive this quote!
The leaked financial dept videos that have done the rounds, clearly show the society is in desperate trouble financially.
So, where is the "Almighty's hand"? Where is his ability to provide funds? Perhaps he is NOT backing the group that claims to be his "only channel of communication"?
Watchtower July 1879:
“‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.”
yesterday's wt study (june 17) said: .
records show that in the last five years, the average number of regular pioneers has grown to over 1,100,000 and more than a quarter of a million worldwide have been added to the ranks of full-time preachers.. well, in 2013 they had an average of 950,022 pioneers, and in 2017 they had 1,249,946. looks like they lost some!.
also, the quarter million was a lot of turnover, which... wait for it... any thinking person would know!.
So even with all those "bethelites" being "sent back to the field", the number of full time pioneers still decreased??
on thing that really makes me angry and disgusted is when i think of the way in the past that the elders pressured me over and over again to have a meeting with them over a petty make out and petting incident.
they asked such instrusive, personal questions like, “did he touch your breast, for how long?
under or over your clothes?” i know that this happens to thousands of people, especially young women, and it’s just not right, it makes me so angry that i almost feel tempted to confront the elder who especially did this, when i see him at the convention in a few weeks and tell him what a sick person he is and how much trauma he caused me, manipulating me and pressuring me to answer such instrusive questions while he sat there and took notes!!
I believe that it is indeed sexual harassment or inappropriateness!
Would such questioning be appropriate in a corporate work place? NO! In a school? No!
So why should it be OK for elders to ask such intrusive and specific points?
If someone has "sinned" according to the groups standards - by all means offer counsel or assistance. BUT there is a limit as to how intrusive such points should be!
friday and saturday were for the most part pretty light, not too culty or doctinal, could easily suck in the unsuspecting.
there were a couple of hypocritical lines that i took note of however.
at one point the speaker said, "if your boss fires everyone who disagrees with him but promotes everyone who agrees with him, you might be tempted to agree with him just to keep your job.
Thanks for taking one for the team NBD! Interesting review.
The level of manipulative cultiness seems to be ever increasing!
i was at the regional convention and asked an elder why is that at the assemblies their is an accounts report but not at the conventions?
he said, well actually they got a letter and in it said that in a little while they will do away with the accounts report stating how much the assembly costs for the weekend and just go to donation basis like at the conventions.. my first thought was, "they will donate even less now.".
anybody else hear about such a thing?.
This is interesting! I would like to see a copy of that directive letter.
It would seem odd for the GB to stop the accounts report (money deficit begging plea) at the circuit assemblies...
Maybe it has a tax implication if they are seen to be "soliciting funds"?
we all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign.
no doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the governing body's views to the russian authorities.. what can't we all do the same to the governing body?.
with the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the society!
We all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the Russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign. No doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the Governing Body's views to the Russian authorities.
What can't we all do the same TO the Governing Body?
With the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the Society! Please check with your local data privacy laws, and find out how your country is responding (such as the new European laws recently enacted)
We have the legal right to request any and all personal data held by the congregations, branch offices, and departments of the organisation.
If every ex witness wrote and requested this, it would send a clear message to the GB that they need to respect personal boundaries, and that they do not have the right to withhold our data, or use it in a way that besmirches our name or character.
We could request the publisher cards held on us, any correspondence about us, any medical forms kept on file about us etc....
Feel free to share this idea far and wide. Perhaps on other forums such as reddit etc...
i have never really spoken on social media about my jw family shunning me.
i didnt even discuss or answer any questions about why they didnt come to my wedding, my birthday parties, why there are never any pics of them with me/us together.
until today.... today i woke up and had this insane desire to be open.
Much love to you, and full credit for taking back the power in this situation!
i have been trying to find a picture of the guy who led australia to the investigation (and uncovering) of jehovah's witnesses!
here he is, with lara kaput.
Yes, sorry ChaChing!
Steven is a very sincere and hard-working gentlemen who has done, and is still doing SO much to assist one's who have been affected by the Society.
We all owe him a great deal of appreciation for the efforts he goes to!