Brilliant comparison!
Thank you for sharing.
yesterday, i had a conversation with my neighbor during which i explained the greatest reason why i wanted to raise my kids out of the jws: the fear (which translate to hate) jws have for everyone showing no interest in becoming part of their group.
in order for him to quickly relate to what i meant i asked him to imagine, for a moment, he was the biggest racist he has ever known, forced to live in a black neighborhood.
how would you feel?
Brilliant comparison!
Thank you for sharing.
not quite a week ago, @lost in the fog created a thread entitled: do you have this illness?.
in my year of being on this forum, i have browsed many a disillusioned thread of ex-jehovah’s witnesses expressing similar symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder when detailing their awakening - my own story included.
Awww...shucks....😊 (Blushes)
not quite a week ago, @lost in the fog created a thread entitled: do you have this illness?.
in my year of being on this forum, i have browsed many a disillusioned thread of ex-jehovah’s witnesses expressing similar symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder when detailing their awakening - my own story included.
Well done Dubstepped!
Thanks for sharing this great content from WakeMe!
(I feel privileged to know Wake Me personally. She has such a clever mind and a wonderful way of writing.)
since the jws love to control the sex lives of its followers, it seems reasonable that they would be freaking out about same-sex sex as it becomes more open in the current culture (thus videos like that horrible cartoon).
are they going to start not allowing "girlfriends" to have slumber parties or require they are chaperoned by a "mature" elder or older sister?
Welcome to the forum StainedGlassHeart.
I see this is your first thread? We are happy to have you here.
i was thinking about how the borg screws up and sexually neuters their flock by telling them when single to "deaden their body" and then boom as soon as there's a ring on the finger to not be denying eachother.. do any of you know of jws who have been screwed up by these teachings?
i know 2, 1 elder came back from honeymoon having a nervous breakdown unable to cope with the cd that sex produced in his head.
and the other called up her parents while on honeymoon, crying and begging for themto come and get her, since she was so shocked that sex hurt.
Yes, interesting thread purrpurr.
It is indeed a messed up situation when everything to do with sex is WRONG WRONG WRONG before marriage, and then suddenly OK straight after the "I Do".
From childhood on, a JW is told that it is SINFUL. In a growing child's mind, they come to view sex itself, or sexual feelings of any sort as BAD.
There is no doubt that this causes stress in an average JWs mind - and life.
I can remember a situation when a friend of mine (who was NOT born in, but converted in his late 20's) was about to get married. He was asking me and another older brother what acts were ok and what was not! I wasn't even married, so I had no idea!
one argument against beards i've heard multiple times, both from individual jws and from the platform is roughly:.
'timothy got circumcised so as not to stumble others!
shouldn't you be thankful you don't have to do that?
All I want to know is HOW did the ancient believers know who was circumcised or not??
Did they go around flashing their penis at one another to prove it???
time to revive this well known, and often used jw illustration!.
"if you are in desperate need of a drink of water, and the glass in front of you is 99% clean, but contains just 1% poison, would you drink it??".
how often we heard this trotted out from the platform.. recently though, i have heard many examples of still-in jws sharing their observations about things that don't seem quite right with the current activities, direction and culture of the organization.
So true OrphanCrow. So True
time to revive this well known, and often used jw illustration!.
"if you are in desperate need of a drink of water, and the glass in front of you is 99% clean, but contains just 1% poison, would you drink it??".
how often we heard this trotted out from the platform.. recently though, i have heard many examples of still-in jws sharing their observations about things that don't seem quite right with the current activities, direction and culture of the organization.
Thanks for all the replies.
It is true that the illustration is flawed. It does indeed represent the narrow thinking of JW's. It is simple and inaccurate. With just a slight amount of critical thinking, it can indeed be debunked.
But, it is often used by THEM to illustrate that there should be NO tainting from "satanic or worldly" sources.
That's why it came to mind.
I am simply thinking that it may be helpful to use on JWs who try and justify the many "corrupting" elements that the Society is and has been involved with.
yep, taps out, throws in the towel, waves the white flag!
in today's watchtower it basically said don't expect any results due to widespread apathy and opposition.
but you can still bear fruit just by going through the motions of being regular in field service.
It's all about control, and keeping the flock busy!
Just like when you're on a long car trip with young children. In order to keep them from going crazy, we create games like "let's see who can count the most amount of yellow cars" or something inane like that.
It simply keeps them occupied and interested.
No different to the "spiritual activities" that the GB have the flock do.
Nice article.
Thanks for sharing!