Great post stillin! I can say that your experience mirrored mine very much.
I focussed on helping brothers and sisters. Being there to support them. I shared with the body those that needed help in the flock.
I soon saw in those elders and ms meetings that the agenda was very different.
I even used the illustration about how we should take care of the "crushed reeds and flaxen wicks" in the congregation. The "lost sheep"
I was severely told off for "counselling the elders" . For presuming to "tell them how we should treat the brothers and sisters"
I also put great efforts into my talks - to make them heartfelt and motivating. Often I used illustrations to help encourage all. I was counselled for "presumptuously using too many illustrations" to which I said "but Jesus did that?" One elder snapped back "so you think you're Jesus!?"
To this day, I can't understand how what I did was wrong. ...