Spot on SailAway! Perfectly said. I've had similar situations.....
And Sparrowdown! Haha! Yes, they practically run away from our aposta-cooties.....
warning, zeb is having a rant.. i have become so pissed off at jw i bump into who come out with "we have not seen you in ages" and with "we miss you.." my answer is the same "miss me?.
i still live in the same house.".
just recently one sister said she missed my comments and jokes.
Spot on SailAway! Perfectly said. I've had similar situations.....
And Sparrowdown! Haha! Yes, they practically run away from our aposta-cooties.....
a&e has a new show this season called cults and extreme belief.
the second episode will air on 5/29 at 9:00 pm and jehovah's witnesses will be featured.
hopefully they do a good job exposing them for what they really are.
And JWs will cry "apostate driven lies" and "persecution" when that show gets aired....
Yet, they will scoff and mock at all the other groups or faiths being exposed as ridiculous cults! But somehow they will not apply the same critical eye when the parts about JWs come on....
the new releases for the regional convention are out at the borg's page.
but remember, you can not see them unless first you attend....
More hype about nothing.
The GB really do have a gullible audience who will clap and ooh and ahh over the most inane "releases"
witness: yes.
attorney: and what were you doing at that time?
witness: yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and
so 9 months before i started pioneering, i had a hot and heavy moment with this player witness who was just trying to string me along and talked to a lot of different girls.
we made out and he grabbed my goodies a few times you know the regular stuff all teens do at least once.
anyways i never saw him again because when i refused to send him nudes he dropped me.
Wow...such inappropriate conduct by that "brother" and those "elders"...but hardly surprising!
Well done for seeing it as the inappropriate conduct that it is, and for breaking away.
Remember: "The only power they have over you, is that which you allow".
Don't play into the games of the power-hungry elders...
i read the above posted article and it made me wonder how many narcicistic people join the borg because it fits well with their personality.
i also wonder if being indoctrinated makes you become narcicistic.
They have "THE TRUTH", which therefore says that everyone else has "Untruth"
Naturally, this creates a conceited , narcissistic complex....
i read the above posted article and it made me wonder how many narcicistic people join the borg because it fits well with their personality.
i also wonder if being indoctrinated makes you become narcicistic.
When the GB and the Society in general feel they speak for the Almighty himself - or are his channel here on earth, that no doubt fuels an arrogance or narcissistic tendency.
It takes a certain level of conceit to think you are Gods spokesperson or channel....
After all, how can anyone or anything dare to disregard the "Almighty"?
a kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
Yes, I know people who were actually inside the hall at Casula Sydney...
The residual effects has haunted them for decades.
The perpetrator was only bought to justice recently- more than 30 years after the event!
It was a cowardly attack.
This most recent event is also cowardly.
No matter the grievance with the Society, taking it out on individual jws is never appropriate.
just heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
Oh phoebe! Wow....just wow....
Thanks for sharing. You have come so far!❤️
just heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
So sad.
We know that JWs often do not deal with underlying issues that may be simmering. After all, they are supposed to be "so happy" as "Jehovah's people"
So issues that could be resolved with the help of professionals are often masked by JW life.
So tragic.