Thanks for taking one for the team NBD! Interesting review.
The level of manipulative cultiness seems to be ever increasing!
friday and saturday were for the most part pretty light, not too culty or doctinal, could easily suck in the unsuspecting.
there were a couple of hypocritical lines that i took note of however.
at one point the speaker said, "if your boss fires everyone who disagrees with him but promotes everyone who agrees with him, you might be tempted to agree with him just to keep your job.
Thanks for taking one for the team NBD! Interesting review.
The level of manipulative cultiness seems to be ever increasing!
i was at the regional convention and asked an elder why is that at the assemblies their is an accounts report but not at the conventions?
he said, well actually they got a letter and in it said that in a little while they will do away with the accounts report stating how much the assembly costs for the weekend and just go to donation basis like at the conventions.. my first thought was, "they will donate even less now.".
anybody else hear about such a thing?.
This is interesting! I would like to see a copy of that directive letter.
It would seem odd for the GB to stop the accounts report (money deficit begging plea) at the circuit assemblies...
Maybe it has a tax implication if they are seen to be "soliciting funds"?
we all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign.
no doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the governing body's views to the russian authorities.. what can't we all do the same to the governing body?.
with the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the society!
We all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the Russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign. No doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the Governing Body's views to the Russian authorities.
What can't we all do the same TO the Governing Body?
With the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the Society! Please check with your local data privacy laws, and find out how your country is responding (such as the new European laws recently enacted)
We have the legal right to request any and all personal data held by the congregations, branch offices, and departments of the organisation.
If every ex witness wrote and requested this, it would send a clear message to the GB that they need to respect personal boundaries, and that they do not have the right to withhold our data, or use it in a way that besmirches our name or character.
We could request the publisher cards held on us, any correspondence about us, any medical forms kept on file about us etc....
Feel free to share this idea far and wide. Perhaps on other forums such as reddit etc...
i have never really spoken on social media about my jw family shunning me.
i didnt even discuss or answer any questions about why they didnt come to my wedding, my birthday parties, why there are never any pics of them with me/us together.
until today.... today i woke up and had this insane desire to be open.
Much love to you, and full credit for taking back the power in this situation!
i have been trying to find a picture of the guy who led australia to the investigation (and uncovering) of jehovah's witnesses!
here he is, with lara kaput.
Yes, sorry ChaChing!
Steven is a very sincere and hard-working gentlemen who has done, and is still doing SO much to assist one's who have been affected by the Society.
We all owe him a great deal of appreciation for the efforts he goes to!
Thanks for posting! Great info.
(It seems that the Borg have cancelled or blocked my old log-in credentials and username!)
i have been trying to find a picture of the guy who led australia to the investigation (and uncovering) of jehovah's witnesses!
here he is, with lara kaput.
Ah, that was a fun night!
Shortly after this photo was taken , unstuck and wake me went running around on the adjoining beach in the water! Such a sight to see well dressed people playing in the surf!
i have been trying to find a picture of the guy who led australia to the investigation (and uncovering) of jehovah's witnesses!
here he is, with lara kaput.
I'm more than happy for my face to be revealed...although I apologize in advance for it!...(I
i just bought a copy.
14.99 in usa.
buy a copy and support this movie.
For some reason we cant get it here in Australia!
Neither Itunes or Amazon...
came across this on exjw reddit and i cracked up laughing.. for those who are still required to attend the convention for one reason or another here is something that could liven up the day - jw convention bingo.
it would be hilarious if someone were to jump up and shout bingo!