Congratulations! Heres hoping that someday your union will be legally recognized. Wishing both of you a lifetime of happiness.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Two lesbians say "I do"
by writerpen ini'm always coming back to this site to read everyone's post and only start a thread when i really feel the need.
only you guys would understand the irony of what happened yesterday.
my partner and i had a commitment ceremony yesterday.
Roll call time - What KH's have you attended.............
by Check_Your_Premises innaperville, dekalb, joliet......... il.
i tried to bump an old thread on this topic, but i couldn't find it.. anyone?
Several different congregations in Corpus Christi, Tx, as well as surrounding towns of Kingsville, Sinton, and Rockport.
Questions Surrounding Evolution
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-size: 14px} .style3 {font-size: 14px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style4 {color: #454b97} .style7 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #8b5b38; } .style8 {color: #336600} --> questions surrounding evolution regarding this subject, the thought in mind is to ask.
some pertinent questions regarding evolution in .
it must be strongly emphasized that there is no wish.
The analogy comparing a wristwatch with the Universe is flawed, as the wristwatch is an inorganic device. It is complex in the sense of having many components, but simple in the materials used in its construction. Almost all of the materials used in its construction had to be refined and made simpler than the form in which they naturally occur (usually as an metal oxide). Iron is separated from oxygen, then combined with other elements which do not usually occur together to make steel alloys. Sand or quartz is heated and shaped to form the crystal. In other words, the wristwatch had to be forced against the natural direction of nature, which is to combine simple elements into more complex forms. The Universe is organic in more than one way. First, it formed by natural processes, primarily energy condensing into matter. The Universe demonstrates the natural direction that matter wants to go, from simple (just hydrogen) to more complex (four hydrogen atoms fuse in the hearts of stars to form helium nuclei, plus some energy) and on by fusion to form even heavier elements. Eventually these stars become novas and distribute their heavy elements throughout the Universe. Under proper conditions (in the presence of a solvent such as liquid water and within the correct temperature range) elements react chemically with one another. Eventually elements can form the materials which join to form RNA and DNA. These materials, the building blocks of RNA and DNA, occur naturally throughout the Universe and are delivered to Earth on comets, meteorites. So life is no accident. Look at the Earth...Life occurs EVERYWHERE conditions permit. So should we be surprised that life exists elsewhere in the Universe? This was believed by some of the ancient Greeks, one wrote "To claim Earth is the only inhabited planet is as unwise as claiming that there is only one blade of grass in a meadow". Humans have personally visited exactly two worlds, and found life on 50% of them. When other worlds are reached, perhaps worlds where conditions were or still are favorable, expect this percentage to change upwardly.
Did you go to your prom?
by free2beme inmy last post doubled up and i ended up seeing it twice, when it should have been once.
so i though i would just edit it and make it into another topic related to high school.
I did not go, as the person who studied with me, someone I knew at school, told me it would just be a bunch of drunk worldly people, etc. However, I later learned that this person DID go. Kind of hypocritical, doncha think?
If you could "intelligently design" yourself, what would you change?
by AlmostAtheist inif you could "intelligently design" yourself, what would you change?.
you're welcome to start from the ground up, if you like.
or just suggest changes to the existing platform.
I've been very blessed with an extremely favorable genetic combination, so it seems a bit greedy to ask for more. But if I were going to make "improvements", the abilities that each of the characters on "Heroes" have would be a good place to start. For those who haven't seen the show, these abilities include immediate healing of injuries, ability to teleport and to stop time, ability to fly, ability to see the future, and an alter ego who is very skilled at defensive/offensive combat. Anyone else enjoy watching "Heroes"?
Why are there different blood types
by purplesofa inwhat makes one blood type different than another?.
and how many different blood types are there?.
and how come there isn't just one type of blood?.
Just guessing, but I'd imagine that the reason would be similar to the reason that there are different "races", i.e. they arose at different times in human history either as a mutation, or perhaps when a dominant or recessive gene gave some advantage as the human race spread out of Africa into other climatic zones? Someone with medical experience might want to comment, but some blood types may be more resistant to some diseases than others.
Can Someone Explain Horror Movies?
by onesong ini try to be open minded and not judge anything but when i see these movie commercials----.
i think it was saw iii or something, all this blood, gore, shrieking and grotesque violence, all i can do is ask with a sense of awe --why?
why would someone want to watch that?.
In general, I don't like horror films, have never seen Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, etc, but a SMART horror film can be good. In these, the blood, etc, are not gratuitous, but there only where necessary. One of the best horror films ever made was the original 1973 "Wicker Man", with NO blood, severed body parts, etc. Instead, there is a creeping feeling of unease which gradually builds until the end. Similarly, I don't usually watch gangster films, but someone loaned me "Pulp Fiction", and although it contained scenes of extreme violence, it was not ABOUT those things, but rather about people and the choices they made under very difficult situations. I've never seen anyone in any film behave in a more heroic manner than Bruce Willis in "Pulp Fiction".
This is one mighty old fish!
by fullofdoubtnow in
fossil fish fills evolutionary gap thursday october 19, 07:34 am.
click to enlarge photosydney (afp) - a 380 million-year-old fossil has filled a gap in understanding how fish evolved into the first land animals, australian scientists say.the perfectly preserved skeleton has revealed that fish developed features characteristic of land animals much earlier than once thought, said lead researcher john long of australia's museum victoria.. "we've got a fish from the devonian period about 380 million years ago and preserved in three-dimensional stunning perfection," long told .
Sounds as if it is perhaps an ancestor to the line which later gave rise to Acanthostega (still very fishlike, but with somewhat more developed limbs), and Ichthyostega (essentially an early salamander, mostly aquatic). Of course, some creationist is certain to ask "but where is the missing link between this fossil and Acanthostega?"
Halloween Costume Ideas?
by Dune ini met some people thursday night that are going to a halloween party .this will be the first halloween that i'll actually be doing something, but i cant think of anything to go as.
do you guys dress up and go to parties and such?
any good ideas?
I'm planning on making a scarecrow costume based on "The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh".
Wow, this is a question which bishops have argued over for centuries. Prior to the Nicean Council, there were differences in opinion, primarily because Jesus himself never claimed to be God, but to be sent by God. When someone kneeled before Jesus, they was told not to do that. However the Nicean Council decided that Jesus was God, and this became official dogma for over 1000 years, denial of which was a capital offense. Eventually, after the Protestant Reformation, when some people began having Bibles in their homes, some began to question whether Jesus and God were the same. Unitarians were one early group who were persectuted for denying the Trinity (thats what the name "Unitarian" means). Jehovahs Witnesses were hundreds of years later, but adopted the teaching, claiming that Jesus was a man, admittedly a perfect man, born by the action of Holy Spirit on Mary.