Over a period of several years, I dated non-JWs (still do, now that I think of it), and was observed by various congregation members on several occassions, at theatres, restaurants, and other places. Even then, I had a different worldview, and I just didn't find the JWs to be so interesting or entertaining on dates, so would not go out with them. Probably as a result of my dating becoming known, my congregation had a part on the service meeting about 'forming attachments with those outside the organization'.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
As a JW, did you ever date someone who was not?
by cyberguy ini dated a number of witness girls, but none of those relationships went anyware.
however, as a younger, active jw, i also went out with a few ?worldly?
girls from school and work.
What kind of pets do you have?
by dustyb ini have 2 german shepherds, one white and one black and grey.
also granny has a little yorkie terrier, he's my little buddy.
he'll follow me anywhere.
I keep several aquariums, two full of gouramis, danios, tetras, cory catfish, otocinclus, and one large plecostomus. The last tank has a somewhat chubby 12 inch axolotl named 'Grace' (after the character on the television show).
They are all fun to watch, as they exhibit quite different personalities. The gouramis are actually quite curious, and will come up to the glass and try to touch me with their 'feelers'. When a new member is added to the tank, they will swim over and touch it to get to know them. The cories are very industrious, snuffling through the sand looking like the 'scrubbing bubbles' character. Grace is sometimes very enthusiastic, hopping up and down and waving her limbs, other times she seems to truly be interested in something on the television, visible from one end of the tank.
Hey, Pagans, what's your plans for Spring Rites 2004?
by talesin inspring equinox is soon upon us, w/e of march 19-21. i plan to head out to the country, join with a bunch o pagan friends for some home-grown music, food and general celebration of the season's change.
hoping the weather cooperates .... what's your plans?.
Perhaps something like this.....
Watchtower prophesies against life on Mars [or elsewhere]
by nicolaou in*** g73 5/22 p. 13 is there life beyond the earth?
well, to this day, after many probes to mars and thousands of pictures of it, there is not the slightest shred of proof that life exists on mars or other planets in the solar system or on any other planets in the universe.. the christian, particularly, knows that even a million landings on mars, venus, jupiter, saturn or any of the planets and their moons will fail to reveal evolution of life.
well let's just wait and see shall we?.....
From a historical standpoint, other worlds with life on them have been viewed as probable for thousands of years.
Around 425 B.C.E. Democritus wrote that the Milky Way was a cloud of stars, with planets orbiting them. He specifically stated that only SOME were capable of supporting life.
Circa 100 B.C.E. Strabo wrote about other inhabited worlds.
At about the same time, Lucretius wrote "Nature is not unique to the visible world. We must have faith that in other regions of space there exist other earths, inhabited by other people and animals."
Christianity did not invent the idea of the flat earth at the center of the Universe, but they adopted the idea and made it a heresy, thus a capital offence to deny for more than 1000 years.
I found these references on a site at http://www.ron521.homestead.com/HistoryScience.html
The Gaia hypothesis is simply that idea that the Earth is a living organism
by frankiespeakin ininteresting c&p plus link:
this, however, lead to lovelock perceiving the earth as a complete whole.
while on a walk in the countryside in england, lovelock described his hypothesis to his neighbor william golding (author of lord of the flies), and asked advice concerning a suitable name for it.
Of course, I have to comment a bit on this thread . The idea is sort of a revival of the ancient Greek worldview, but with the added authority of vastly more data which can be interpreted to support the idea. In the early '70s, Oberon Zell published an article in the magazine Green Egg titled 'Theagenesis: Birth of the Goddess". In 1972, James Lovelock, an atmospheric chemist published 'Gaia as Seen Through the Atmosphere' in the journal Atmospheric Environment. In 1979 Lovelock expanded his article into a book, 'Gaia: A New Look At Life On Earth'. He continued to develop the idea, and in 1988 wrote 'The Ages of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth'. These were followed by 'Healing Gaia', and 'The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine'.
The idea has gained momentum over the past 25 years, to the point that it is included in some college level geology textbooks.
Jesus quoted from non-Biblical source?
by gaiagirl inat 2 timothy 3:16, the writer claims that 'all scripture is inspired by god'....while at john 7:38, jesus is quoted as saying ....'just as the scripture has said "out from his inmost part streams of living water will flow"'.
exactly what book is jesus here quoting?
is there a verse in the bible which actually said this, and which had already been written when jesus was alive?
At 2 Timothy 3:16, the writer claims that 'All scripture is inspired by God'....While at John 7:38, Jesus is quoted as saying ....'Just as the Scripture has said "Out from his inmost part streams of living water will flow"'. Exactly what book is Jesus here quoting? Is there a verse in the Bible which actually said this, and which had already been written when Jesus was alive? Or was he quoting from a document which was later excluded from the Bible canon? Can documents other than those contained in the Bible be considered 'Scripture'?
Which character do you indentify with on TV shows.S&City, Soprano's etc.?
by LyinEyes inso ladies,,,,speaking of sex and the city,,,,at the end of the show,as we have watched the characters evolve ,which one do you indentify most with?
if not that show what about another character on another show?.
for the men, how about you,,,,,,,,what show character do you identify with,,,,,maybe someone off of the soprano's , seinfield, wings, cheers, queer as folk, etc.
I suppose I identify with the punk-rock girl on 'That 80's Show' (sadly, cancelled), and with the asian girl on 'Coupling' (also cancelled, why are all the shows I like given the axe?).
Posting on Linux - Mandrake
by pr_capone ini have decided to make the jump form windows xp over into the open source world and am giving mandrake linux a try.
so far so good.
things seem alot sharper and faster than they did in xp.
I dual boot with Windows Me and BeOS. I tried two flavors of Linux (SuSE and Caldera), but find BeOS vastly easier to use. There are several browsers for BeOS, the native NetPositive, plus Mozilla, Firebird, Opera and perhaps some others I've not used. BeOS can be downloaded free of charge from several sites, including www.bebits.com
It is true that this forum is not quite as functional using any browser other than Internet Explorer, however I will happily trade those functions for the massive stability of the operating system. In any event, if I must use IE for something, I can always boot to Win Me. (Ok, so I'm kind of a geeky tomboy).
What's your status....relationship wise?
by Maverick inone of the down sides of the web is not knowing the various posters status; married, involved, looking, and lost...suspect a lot of those here!
my status is complicated...mostly by me!
i have a couple of admirers that would like to lock me down but i keep dancing around the whole issue.
Single, no kids. Not really looking very hard, but have dated on both 'teams' (as Seinfeld would have said).
Are you more intelligent since you left?
by Nosferatu inever since leaving the jws, i believe i've become much more intelligent.
i now have to learn from my past mistakes rather than viewing my mistakes as a result of satan's influence.
i now know how to prevent myself from making the same mistakes rather than repeating them due to ignoring the facts.
I would say that one who leaves the WTBTS (and I apply this to myself before anyone else) suddenly begins to USE more of their intelligence, which had been previously 'turned off' by the programming received from the faithful (cough) slaves.
Same number of brain cells as before, but more connections between them, so the net effect is pretty much one of gaining intelligence.
Think of it like a physics experiment.....while in the borg, one had 'potential' intelligence, afterwards it begins to be used and becomes 'kinetic' intelligence, i.e. intelligence in action.