Interesting, a submarine made of gopher wood...however some questions do arise, i.e. who exactly has these "original" Old Testament writings, and what are the "other documents" referred to? Last I heard, the oldest existing complete books of the Old Testament are copies of copies of copies written well over 1000 years after the originals. Thanks, though, this is entertaining, in sort of the same way that Velikovsky's theories about planets changing orbits and colliding during historical times are entertaining.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
by VM44 inaliens helped build noah's ark
file: ufo224
ancient tests reveal that noah's ark was built with the help of space aliens and that it was actually a submarine especially made to help him survive the great flood, say experts.
Sodom and Gomorrah
by DaCheech inthe other day on the discovery channel (or another channel like) i saw a documentary.
trying to evidence what happened, and the conclusion was that a massive earthquake hit the area, and methane gas.
trapped under the rocks caught the place on fire.
Didn't see the documentary, but the area around the Dead Sea is noted for lots of faulting and fractures in the crust, with lots of earthquake activity and volcanic deposits. This could explain many "miracles" which were attributed to the actions of supernatural forces, i.e. walls of cities collapsing, bodies of water changing positions, cities being destroyed. Volcanic activity a few hundred miles away completely wiped out the cities built on Thera, and led to collapse of the Minoan culture, as well as creating enormous clouds of ash which blackened the sky for days, oddly at almost exactly the time the Exodus was supposed to occur.
Have you become the 'Pagan' that you thought you would?
by AK - Jeff ini mean - when we were witnesses we always thought that is what one who 'leaves jehovah' does - goes right out and becomes evil incarnate.
or do you live a life similar to what you did as a witness?
on a scale of 1-10, how wicked would you be considered if the witnesses were making the call on your current lifestyle ?
I have to agree with Gretchen, the things I do now, or have done since leaving, would probably appall JW's. However I think I am a honorable person, and I'm sure any higher powers really don't object to my celebration of holidays, or care much about my relationships, past or present. Probably the MOST offensive thing I do (as far as JW's are concerned) is post on this forum.
Last Generation Of Jehovah's witnesses?
by Dune inhere's an interesting idea my brother and i have been discussing when we do parking lot duty during the service meetings.
we've come to the conclusion that this is essentially the last generation of jehovah's witnesses.
i thought you'd have to be young to notice this, but its pretty apparent anywhere we go.
One family I know came into the organization around 1960, believed the whole 1975 thing whole-heartedly. Eventually had five kids, however, the husband became inactive, one kid disfellowshipped, one never got baptized, one dissassociated, and two are now elders. Of those two elders, one of the two children of one elder was disfellowshipped, later reinstated to maintain family association, she writes to me indicating that she has knows it isn't the truth, but keeps her feelings and thoughts "under her breath". She is preparing to visit her disfellowshipped aunt and never-baptized cousin (unbeknownst to her elder father) soon, because she wants to know all her relatives, not just the JW's. I agree that the internet is going to seriously hurt the recruiting of new members, and maintainance of existing ones. I expect that in coming years, growth will be only in lands where internet access is not widespread, with continued attrition in so-called "developed" lands. Eventually, JW's may become a minor footnote, kind of like "Millineal Dawners" are at present.
What's your favorite music group that I probably haven't heard of?
by joelbear in.
i'll start.. guster.
Frosted Starseeds Sounds From the Ground zerO One Open Canvas G.O.L. Amaranth Signal TUU A Positive Life Bluetech?
Help! I'm trying to install Linux on another box!
by ColdRedRain inany computer nerds out there that can help me find 1.a free linux site, 2 install it onto a hard drive after i format it?
i already downloaded the iso, what should i do next?
So you are into the "alternative"(OS) lifestyle? When I was experimenting with Linux, the two sites I found most helpful were, and I tried SuSE, Caldera, Libranet and Mepis and Ubuntu, had the best success with Mepis. However, I like BeOS and the new version, Zeta, much better. Actually, I would sum them up by paraphrasing Sidra, as played by Teri Hatcher, on Seinfeld "They are spectacular."
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades in.
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
I tend to think of the part which survives death of the physical body like a radio wave. The radio wave which makes MY radio work is the same radio wave which makes yours work. However, there are physical differences in the radios themselves, including what frequency the set is tuned to, and therefore, some differences in the reproduction of the data on the wave. Some sets are very complex, and others are just simple crystal sets (think of a virus or perhaps a bacteria). However, the set can break down, or be destroyed completely without the radio wave being affected. In other words, I see life as not simply an internal process, but a force (or a 'law of nature' like gravity) which acts upon matter from outside, causing matter to organize itself into more complex forms. And it is the same life force animating everyone, including so-called 'lower' life forms, on this planet, and on every other place in the Universe where conditions are favorable.
Why the Jehovah's Witness religion will live on and on
by free2beme ini have read in here a few post, and would expect to see these kind of post.
where people hope the religion will end some day and perhaps then all that has happened as a former witness to us, will be stopped and the witnesses will see the error of their ways and life will be good again.
i never think they will end, and here are some reasons why i think this way.. third world countries thinking.
It also appears that there are many people who just don't like to think for themselves, but rather to be told what to do, what is right and wrong, etc. In this way, they avoid any personal responsibility for their actions (I was just following rules....etc).
2005 Convention Lowlights
by inbyathread inthought i'd start a thread for those who have attended the 2005 dc.
you don't have to say what the releases were.
i'm more interested in how the talks or if the talks highlighted the r&f to blindly follow the organization.
Actually, Weird Al HAS an original song (not a parody of someone elses song) which applies to JW's very well...the title is "Everything You Know Is Wrong". Here is a link to the lyrics >>>
"Millions Now Living Will Never Die" slogan appeared in sci-fi novel
by VM44 inrutherford's (in)famous slogan "millions now living will never die" appeared in a sci-fi book, part of which was written around 1949.. the novel is "cities in flight" by james blish.. in the first section of the book (there are three or four sections to it), there is a religious group that plays a minor role in the novel that is shooting fireworks into the sky to display a message.
the message is:.
*** millions now living will never die ***.
It seems likely that when James Blish wrote "Cities in Flight", he was remembering that slogan from some 20-25 years earlier, just as we often remember songs, commercials, etc from the '70s and '80s (and look how often popular songs from that era show up in advertisements!). Perhaps he, or his parents, had read some WTBTS literature. My grandmother had a very thick book published by some other bible company which also taught that Armageddon was drawing near, so the idea may have been relatively widespread.