Little Toe, sure wish I could be there to give you a big hug...consider this a long distance hug from Washington State!!!
today i helped bury a friend, and in a few minutes i'll be leaving to attend the wake of another, who died yesterday.. i have less than a handful of friends from pre-exjw days (nothing new there - we're all in a similar boat, i'm sure), so my more recently acquired friends are precious to me.. for those that i count as friends (which obviously includes a number on this board), please let it be known that you are precious to me.. i've helped bury about six, during this last year (i hope that doesn't put anyone off from befriending me).
every one has been like a hammerblow .
regardless of beliefs, or lack thereof, death is still an enemy to the living and the dead (imho).. with that sombre note, i must away....
Little Toe, sure wish I could be there to give you a big hug...consider this a long distance hug from Washington State!!!
if you had the power to print millions of watchtowers & awakes and you could see to it that the articles that you wrote got to all the readers, give a sampling of what the articles highlighting "spiritual food" would say.
This is the FINAL issue of the Watchtower---
1. Why you only need your Bible to have a Relationship with God and his Son
2. Why only reading the Bible is necessary for True Chrisitians...(any translation YOU prefer)
3. No more Watchtower Study articles or Book Studies (only meeting will be an hour each week---Reading the Bible--audience encouraged to read and share thoughts---all are welcomed...everybody will be treated with RESPECT)
4. Grappling apologies BY elders, c.o.'s, d.o's. and all governing body and WTBS members.....begging for forgiveness ..
5. Ways to be a compassionate neighbor to EVERYBODY without reporting a time slip.
6. Monetary compensation to all Baptized witnesses (Any who where df'd or da'd also get compensation) or unbaptized pubs.....for pain and suffering by WTBS (of course!!!)
i think one major point that proves that the jw's are a cult is that you can't leave without being stigmatized.
all you have to do for other religions is take your name of the membership log or just resign.
for jw's you can't leave unless you're df'd or da'd.
It's like the song "Hotel California"... We are programmed to receive, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave....
as a newbie, and one that hasn't been to a meeting since june, i have lately been thinking about this scripture at hebrews 10: 24, and 25. you know that's is the one the org.
quoted when they told us why we need to be at the meetings.
i guess i have been feeling a little guilty and wonderering how we are to fulfill this scripture.
I thank each one of your for taking the time to express yourself on this topic...
You have all down your share in encouraging me!!!!....Each and every one of you have applied that scripture well..
Thanks again!
wooheee .
i'm cancer free.
i am so relieved.
Lady Lee that is fantastic news!!!
You too Razorblade!!!
Glad to hear it!!!
hey guys, we just got back from vegas!
got home at 3 this morning *yawn* we had a blast though!
Congratulations to one of the happiest days of your life.... You are both an awesome couple!! I wish you both the happiest marriage...
as a newbie, and one that hasn't been to a meeting since june, i have lately been thinking about this scripture at hebrews 10: 24, and 25. you know that's is the one the org.
quoted when they told us why we need to be at the meetings.
i guess i have been feeling a little guilty and wonderering how we are to fulfill this scripture.
Hey...why aren't any exelders responding???? Just want to know????
as a newbie, and one that hasn't been to a meeting since june, i have lately been thinking about this scripture at hebrews 10: 24, and 25. you know that's is the one the org.
quoted when they told us why we need to be at the meetings.
i guess i have been feeling a little guilty and wonderering how we are to fulfill this scripture.
Joy2brfree....just something I have been thinking about for 2 weeks...but thanks for where to look for the answer...I am gonna order it NOW!!!
Hugs to you....and Can't wait to party with (hope it is soon..)
as a newbie, and one that hasn't been to a meeting since june, i have lately been thinking about this scripture at hebrews 10: 24, and 25. you know that's is the one the org.
quoted when they told us why we need to be at the meetings.
i guess i have been feeling a little guilty and wonderering how we are to fulfill this scripture.
As a newbie, and one that hasn't been to a meeting since June, I have lately been thinking about this scripture at Hebrews 10: 24, and 25. You know that's is the one the Org. quoted when they told us why we need to be at the meetings. I guess I have been feeling a little guilty and wonderering how we are to fulfill this scripture. Well, I would welcome anybody's idea about what this scripture is REALLY talking about. The only thing I can understand is this: we as a group meet here from this board and encourage one another...does that count???
i have been dating this woman for two months.
i somehow agreed to being monogamus with her....the details aren't important..but here i am stuck in a relationship that daily grows more unbearable.
i have been trying to get the nerve to end it for the last 6 well it's true.
I would tell her that you need to have a serious talk. In that talk you will quite frankly tell her that upon dating her that you have found she is not your "soul mate". Tell her that since you found that out, you will need to end the relationship. Assure her, that although you enjoy being friends with her, it is not fair for you to take up any more of her time. Tell her you are looking for a soul mate and that She deserves a soul mate as well....A solid relationship depends on it. Apologize for any hurts you may have caused and mean it!!!
Since you aren't engaged or married to her, it would make no sense to expose your sleeping around. However, if she was truly in love with you and you tell her about your sleeping around, it may wake her up to the fact that she deserves a man that really loves her and demonstrates that love by being FAITHFUL.