Yes....Models have been using it for years. I have thought about trying it out on a few areas...but just couldn't bring myself to do it!!! Way cheaper than Shiseido!!! (I use to sell that line at Macy's)
i'm absolutely stunned by this.. a bunch of girls - well, 30-somethings anyway - down the pub have admitted to rubbing hemorrhoid cream around their eyes so as to look younger.. apparently, the salve's shrinking properties is great to reduce eye-bags and crows feet better than anything on the market.
it's also extremely cheap compared to facial creams.. anusol rules!.
Yes....Models have been using it for years. I have thought about trying it out on a few areas...but just couldn't bring myself to do it!!! Way cheaper than Shiseido!!! (I use to sell that line at Macy's)
41 years!
a big ol' hug to you both!.
love you,.
Happy Anniversary Mulan and Big Red!!!
And another congratulations on the number of years: 41.... WOW!!!
Hugs to you both,
ok....let's relax and enjoy life a little.
my huband's family were in for a few days this week.
seems like his daughter and son in law love chocolate martini's.... they mixed me one then i mixed a few....i was quite impressed with this new drink.
Chocolate martini's are made from: vodka and creme de 1 shot vodka to 2 shots cacao....I add a couple of icecubes to get it cold....
It is nice for a different a dessert...
When you visit me and Mr. CB I will make you one....
ok....let's relax and enjoy life a little.
my huband's family were in for a few days this week.
seems like his daughter and son in law love chocolate martini's.... they mixed me one then i mixed a few....i was quite impressed with this new drink.
Hey Jessika:
Can you spill me your recipe for a Chocolate Martini? I want to know if I got the "real thing"
ok....let's relax and enjoy life a little.
my huband's family were in for a few days this week.
seems like his daughter and son in law love chocolate martini's.... they mixed me one then i mixed a few....i was quite impressed with this new drink.
Ok....let's relax and enjoy life a little.
My huband's family were in for a few days this week. Seems like his daughter and son in law love Chocolate Martini's.... They mixed me one then I mixed a few....I was quite impressed with this new drink.
Have any of you tried Chocolate Martini's and enjoyed it too?
once again, there's a lot of new people on this board as well as us "oldsters".
what was the original reason for you looking at this site and why did you make your first post?
and why do you stay here?
The real reason I started reading this site had to do with Scully...yeah Scully grew up with Mr. C.B.
Mr. C.B. and Scully were updating their life experiences since they were 14. Mr. C.B. let me read Scully's email about her life....I was very appalled at the unchristian treatment she recieved from people that claimed to have the true religion. She then got Mr. C.B. to post an answer to help someone with mold issues. So I started surfing quite a bit. At first I felt like many newbies: I shouldn't be here. But the more I read, the more I could identify with the experiences of people, and what lack of love they experienced in their life.
Posting was very difficult the first few times, as fear of exposure was great at that time. I decided to post so I could be someone who appreciated the site for what it is designed: knowing that I am not alone in learning FACTS about the WTBS, and that I am not the only person facing certain issues.
today on dr. phil, he says to a woman who has not spoken to her brother and sisters for 12 years:"withholding emotion is one of the most mean and vicious and aggressive things you can do.".
i think he'd have a field day with jws who shun friends and family members who choose to leave the organization!.
love, scully.
Thanks for the info.
Shunning for any reason is very unchristian.
Even while I was in good standing as a JW. it seemed like I was shunned when my ex left me (even though he was df'd for being very adulterous). I suddenly had no association at the KH and when the elders came for a visit (cause they thought I was having problems they told me that : I needed to find my associations even though I was so lonely...(whmmmmmmm where would I find it??? not at that KH)
My 3 JW sisters....well...let's put it this way...didn't show me the concern I should have had...because as I child they were jealous of the attention my parents showed me..: yeah I am the baby.
As a result..nobody showed up to my 2nd wedding...and he was a JW (whose ex-wife left him for adulterous reasons)...and almost 4 years later nobody has met my new husband. Jeez...where is the LOVE???
Our neighbors in California were shocked to find out we were JW's : becaus...we acted like normal caring people... they know are faith is doubted in the JW's....we are always welcomed at their house...even though we were JW's we were always welcomed there....even though the Jw's didn't show hospitality...Guess you might say we both know how shunning feels without the df'd label.
yes have you ever honestly, had jehovah ansure your prayer in a way that told you it was from him and not some trick of a wanting heart?
Yes. Many of my prayers have been answered, in many numerous ways.
The most significant was in finding a soul mate. My first husband of 20 years left me and our 16 year old son....I prayed for about 1.5 years to not be alone and that he help me find someone. When I prayed my seemingly "final prayer" about finding a soul mate and decided that finding one would not be a priority....a week later someone came into my life.
He was from BC...touring the U.S. on a Harley, he walked into the restaurant where I was working in the States... He was taking a much needed vacation because during the same time my ex had left me and we had divorced...Mr. CB was going thru the same thing. He had given up on finding someone where he lived as well. WE were both active J.W.'s at the time and so where we met, at the restaurant where I worked...We casually informal witnessed....hmmm...couldn't believe he was a JW....(some may call this fate or just meant to be, but it is pretty ironic that he lived 2500 miles away and we met. He wasn't suppose to go thru Ky on his travel plans ( he admitted he took a detour and just happened to go thru that state. I was suppose to be moving to another state and delayed my move for a couple of months, so I happened to be working that day).
we are having so much fun talking with everyone.
there are about 30 here tonight, and we just had dinner, ...............chicken on the bbq, coleslaw, and lots of good appetizers.. angharad, and "her ladyship" (also known as englishman's wife), and inky are in the hot tub, and there are little groups of conversation going on all over the house and outside on the deck.. cruzanheart, bigtex and sixofnine got here a few minutes ago.
there are 8 from england so far, including a very nice couple who were on my flight from atlanta.. several of us went out on joy and steve's big sailboat for several hours and it was so fun, and relaxing.. tomorrow we get ready for the big halloween party.
Glad to hear you all are having a great time.
Althought I couldn't make it, I have been thinking a lot about all of you guys. I will be heading into that beach on Tuesday morning!!!
After you all leave, it is my turn to visit with joy2bfree and's hoping they have some photos of your gala event to show me and Mr. CB.
you all take care...and I will say a prayer for all of you...(just kidding)
just wondering if anyone can help, so heres a little insight into the situation.. we've been friens for ages but she always told me we could be nothing more she said "theres stuff you dont know about me & you wouldnt understand" but one night i kinda hinted that i knew and she fessed up not only bout being a jw but also bout how she felt only thing is she says its not gonna work, but she wants it to work she wants me to convert and i want her to leave the orgainization.
her mothers been a witness for ten years but her father is not.
also she hasnt paid much attention to it either till a few months ago and shes starting to get into it now.
I ditto what Nosferatu said....
When I married Mr. Codeblue we were both active JW's....however...about a year into our marriage he started fading...This caused HUGE problems....because in his wedding vows he said we would serve Jehovah together...Thus in doing so are the 5 meetings a week and field service. (not sure if you are totally aware of the kind of life Jw's have)
This is both our second marriage....I might add. Both our first spouses where cheaters (both JW's) so we value fact, we were so much alike because we tried everything to keep our first spouses...
So when he started fading I thought our marriage was over....I had to back off of him...I started to see why he was fading...huge issues...
I decided that I didn't get married to be "alone"...So, I left the issue alone and just worked on our marriage and time together.
Then I saw the Dateline Special about JW's and child abuse and almost fell off the couch. It disturbed me so much, they tell us the Catholic Church was so bad because they did this, and now we do the same!!! (Hypocrisy---I was highly offended) I am also turned off by the lack of love....(some of the very issues Mr. CB has had). We still want to serve Jehovah...they way he approves, not rules from men that aren't in the Bible.
If you want to pursue this relationship....just have a lot of issues to deal with, you will need to have open communication and MANY talks to get thru this issue and a lot of LOVE.....Hope all goes well for you.