1. There really is not a right answer to this. Every religion can be picked a part. A belief system is really for the individual's own identity. JWs need to feel they are different and are the only ones who know the truth. It is the indiidual jw who likes the beliefs and identifies themselves with it. Aside from anything else, there is no question that the organization since it's inception has not been able to predict one single thig right. That removes all credibility that god solely communicates with them.
2. This really tiea into question one. This is something you identify with and feel is important. Does it really mean anything? My hall when I was younger had a ministerial servant disfellowshipped for stealing money out of the sisters purses at the hall while they weren't looking. I realize you emphasized most but what experience do you have in truly trusting JWs? Do you do business with them? Have you loaned many to them? I personally went to a hall where I was the minority in my teenage years. Racism was alive an well in that hall and from what I her remains to this day.
3. I wholeheartedly agree win you here. This serves no purpose and actually feeds the idea that pripple that oppose JWs are crazed demon possessed monsters. But you have to understand a lot of people devoted their entire lives to this religion and finally found out it was all bogus. They are angry and feel cheated. That is why they do it but I do believe it hurts more than helps.
4. Why did Jehovah tell them this incorrect teaching for so long? Did he lie or did the governing body make it up? Aside from these questions a truly ingrained jw will dismiss these questions.
5. Because they want to make sure you don't question it to other people an start a problem.