JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
Excuse me, but what is this Rothschild thing that a poster is talking about?
by umbertoecho ini don't know why this person is saying this (to me) mad sort of statement.
where is this information coming from?
what evidence is he/she citing?
These big conspiracy theorists really took off after 9/11. They want a global government, one currency, kill most of the population and so on. If that were all true, they had their chance in 2008-2009. The economy was collapsed and the government stepped in and stopped it. Some people just want something to believe in, no matter how crazy. -
@freeminfade on jaydubdotorg they use the word shunning to explain disfellowshipping under their FAQ do jehovahs witnesses shun former members. In case that ever comes up again, their web site uses that apostate word. -
A few facts to ponder
by Nitty-Gritty ini have been in correspondence recently with silentambs and a few interesting things have been highlighted.
some of you may know, that bill bowen has twice tried to get the fbi involved in investigating child molestation issues in the jws org.
this is what he said to me, i quote: we have reported to the fbi on two occasions and were rebuffed due to them not wishing to get involved with a religion.
@nitty-gritty, when the dateline report came out so many years ago, a letter was read at the congregation level that it was all lies and to not believe or listen to it. That has been the stance by the organization ever since then. Every single person that has brought this issue up has always been accused of being an apostate and a liar. I get it, you're a JW and you support your organization and hate that anything negative is coming out of it, but guess what, people weren't lying. Australia has now shown that in their country there were people appointed who were already child molesters, people removed for child molestation and later reappointed, and there were over 1005 cases in a country with only 68,000 publishers in 65 years. Statistically that doesn't look good for what it must be like around the rest of the world.
You can try and make us the bad guy all you want but reality is, the organization was warned by bill bowen and others. The governing body chose to ignore them, and now they are getting egg on their face for it. The ENTIRE issue was always about protecting children. Why are we gloating, because the mentally diseased and lying charges by JWs have turned and bit the organization in the butt. We gloat because the organization deserves this UNTIL they actually change policy and protect children. The whole reason people never let up on child molestation for over a decade is for the protection of children. You should be ashamed for yourself for not looking into this much sooner than now.
One final thing to add, children finally being protected properly in the organization can only be credited to those who brought it to the proper authorities attention. That was not done by you or any other JW. For that matter if it had been left up to you or any other JW and the governing body, no child would ever get the proper protection they need. Since the organization and all JWs have repeatedly said they have the best policies in place. So when the time comes that all the children in the organization that you defend happens are better protected, thank those who were called mentally diseased, apostates, and liars by JWs for not letting it go.
If You Continue to do Bad, Sooner or Later You Will Get Caught.
by John Aquila inwhen one person finally spoke out that she was raped by cosby, no one believed it.
then another person came out and the line started getting drawn in the sand.
you now had two groups of people.
There have always been people that leave, it's just always been far out paced by people who join. You can search posts going back 15 years in this board predicting the end of the watchtower is near. In that time JWs nearly doubled in number. It's like some people went from thinking Armageddon is near to the watchtower end is near. -
If You Continue to do Bad, Sooner or Later You Will Get Caught.
by John Aquila inwhen one person finally spoke out that she was raped by cosby, no one believed it.
then another person came out and the line started getting drawn in the sand.
you now had two groups of people.
I guess I am going to be the one that takes the other side of this. I don't understand why there is always this constant speculation or belief that the end of the watchtower is near or we are on the brink of some mass awakening. As someone who still attends meetings at times, the complete opposite is what I see. Everyone still thinks the end is close. No one talks about or has even mentioned child abuse. And everyone is rejuvenated and abuzz after the convention. I've only known 2 people in over 30 years who left because they no longer wanted to be a jw. We just had two halls split in the city as well. This is all in the United States. So unless there is something going on somewhere else, I sure don't see it. -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
"There are many reasons to have complete trust in the slave class. First and foremost, Jesus has appointed them over all his precious "belongings." This is a clear indication that he has complete trust in them." Organized to Do Jehovah's Will (2005) p.18
Sometimes I wonder if people even read these Ricky already pointed out, complete trust in the slave class was because they were appointed over all of christ's precious belongings...except, now no the weren't!
*** w13 7/15 p. 8 par. 19 “Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?” ***
Finally, we examined why Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation.
Disfellowshipping Votes
by sloppyjoe2 infor current and former elders.. when sitting on a judicial committee, was a unanimous vote required in order to df?
if the answer to above is "no", what happened when 2 were for df and one wasn't?
what happened when 1 was for df and 2 werent?.
For current and former elders.
When sitting on a judicial committee, was a unanimous vote required in order to Df?
If the answer to above is "no", what happened when 2 were for Df and one wasn't? What happened when 1 was for Df and 2 werent?
How do you know Satan didn't inspire the Bible?
by Coded Logic injws believe that satan knows things about the natural world (like how it was formed).. they also believe that satan can influence events (even fulfill prophecies).. the bible is the source of great confusion and the vast majority of christians (2.2 billion people) believe it but do not have "accurate knowledgetm".. from the jw point of view, wouldn't it be more likely that satan inspired the bible than an all loving god?.
To be fair God said they would die if they ate the fruit. The fruit did not kill them, in fact the bible even shows that if God had let them continue eating from the tree of life the would have still lived forever. So eating the fruit did not bring sin into their body and their body did not start to die, it was when God would not let them eat from the tree of life.
Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever
Who resurrected Jesus from death?
by James Mixon ina friend received this email from his jw brother.
they have not been close since.
his brother became a jw.
If I were to promote the trinity, my reply to the JW would be that while Jesus was on the earth he was not at and did not have the same level or power that he had prior to coming to earth. Hebrews 2:9 said he was made lower than the angels while he was on earth. Now that he is in heaven, is he still lower than the angels? No, so obviously he obtained a much higher level once he became a spirit in heaven. King of kings in Revelation, and all authority in heaven and earth had been given him. IF I was going to waste my time debating with someone. -
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
I was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting. Everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful. This is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that I ever had a single doubt. I had not pre studied or read the magazine since they used to be mailed to our house, so this study was the first time I knew of the change. I remember thinking they just changed this because they ran out of time, there was no new revelation from God. But I soon forgot about it, went on playing with my friends and took many more years before I really realized I believed in something false. I had studied out of the red live forever book and it was a HUGE teaching we as JWs used at the time to show how close the end was. I am sure it would be downplayed now by current JWs as not a big deal, but I certainly remember it being repeated over and over during my childhood. For those that were in at the time, what was your reaction?