There are a lot of back and forth quotes that can be found throughout the years. Playing the JW advocate they would say Jesus did with the power Jehovah gave him, so Jehovah did it. Bases covered.
JoinedPosts by sloppyjoe2
For JWs..Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The LIfe.
by somebody in· for what reasons does jesus have the formerly demonized man tell others about what jesus did?.
but jesus tells the man: “go home to your relatives, and report to them all the things jehovah has done for you and the mercy he has shown you.”—mark 5:19.. .
(mark 5:18-20) .
Morning Woship: Kenneth Flodin targets "apostates"
by Sanchy invideo is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
All he has to do is say it on the broadcast and it will be so. JWs believe satan is so powerful and crafty that the ENTIRE internet is filled of lies and doctored information about JWs. You could show them with their own two eyes an article and they would believe someone made it up by satan. Then if you showed them the same article in the kingdom hall library that proves the same article was accurate they would make excuses that the light gets brighter and it's no big deal.
More Shootings ... 3 Louisiana Police Killed ... 3 More Injured
by RubaDub inextremely sad as the news is coming out.
6 police shot in louisiana and 3 dead so far.. i'm waiting for a response from the nra stating that we are safer when we are all armed.
the police had guns and the shooter(s) had guns so i guess they are good with it.. our thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected.. rub a dub.
I posted on this type of topic a few shootings ago. At least 51% of United States citizens have made it clear they would prefer to do nothing about guns. In fact they would rather have mass shootings in night clubs, of police officers, and even elementary students than do anything about guns. Think about that, we had a mass shooting at an elementary school where 20 children aged 6 amd 7 were killed and gun lovers would rather have that happen AGAIN than do ANYTHING about guns.
JWs Demonstrating against the Demonstrators
by Listener inthe organization never ceases to've got to see this video for yourself so i won't say much about it.
i wonder if this practice has been endorsed and sanctioned by the governing body and if we will see more of it in the future.
At the very beginning they say Jesus is Jehovah, every JW will dismiss every sound out of their mouth after that. FAIL. This is at the Nutter Center in Dayton Ohio.
Trump or Contested Convention?
by Coded Logic infor those of us who are hillary and bernie fans, which is the better outcome - to have donald trump as the republican's nomination whose unpopular with most americans?
or are we better off watching the chaos of a contested convention and the party eventually putting up someone weak like john kasic or jeb bush?
I find politics interesting as I think anything can happen. The GOP problem is as far as I can tell the republican voters that care to vote in primaries have stated that the majority prefer Trump. If their own party says screw you republican voters we will put in who we want, they would in my belief hand the presidency to Clinton. On the flip side Trump is controversial and has created skeptics on what type of president he could actually be. The GOP only hope in my opinion is for trump to get the nomination and turn into a very presidential candidate. Otherwise, it's Clinton's to lose. -
London Ohio and Indianapolis Assemby Halls to be sold
by munchausen inannounce was made this week that the assembly halls in london, ohio and indianapolis indiana will be sold and a new 3000 seat assembly hall will be built in southwest ohio.
the assembly hall in london ohio was built in the 70's and is in fine shape - nothing wrong with it.
the new one will cost around 8-9 million.
This whole plan went bust. They tried getting land in Ohio and the community fought it. The community ended up winning. Last announcement I remember was over 5 million dollars has been raised. Guess what happened to that money? It went into the org coffers when they reorganized their building projects that all building projects must go through the branch. Just like that a 5 million dollar donation. -
Why did Jesus have to suffer?? Something I never thought about.
by ttdtt insomething dawned on me last night.
jesus was suposed to be a corresponding sacrifice for adam right?.
a perfect life for a perfect life.
I haven't read the above comments but I would also like to point out that Jesus and Adam weren't the same. Adam was "perfect" without the knowledge of good and bad. Jesus on the other hand was perfect with the knowledge of good and bad. Genesis 3:22 says that with the knowledge of good and bad that Adam and Eve would now be like God and live forever, and he wouldn't allow that to happen. Jesus would be like God with that knowledge already. So you had a perfect human without the knowledge of good and bad who sinned, vs a perfect human with the knowledge of good and bad who did it successfully. -
Just in time for Memorial season...
by OutsiderLookingIn inthis is short and quick but maybe it's a seed to plant in the 10 days until the memorial.
i have talked to jws who tell me their reason for not eating the bread and drinking the cup is because that was only a new covenant with his disciples (and in their wonky extension, the 144,000).
but i just thought of a few things.
As prologos pointed out, both instances Jesus said to eat the bread and drink the wine it was to non anointed Christians. He was telling everyone to do it, not a select number who magically know they're anointed but can't tell you how they know. -
Is the WT’s Paradise Earth doctrine a delusion?
by deegee inthe wt’s teaching that humans will live forever on a paradise earth will necessitate that given that there will be no more death, then immortal humans will have to be relocated to other planets in order to prevent the earth from becoming overpopulated.. so how many habitable, earth-like planets are there?more and more habitable, earth-like planets would have to become available on a continuous, never-ending basis ad infinitum as mankind’s population grows given that there will be no more death.. the longevity/sustainability of life on these planets will be limited by the fact that the sun serving these planets will eventually die:
so immortal humans will have to keep moving from planet to planet.
A lion at a party with a beach ball would trump any party I have ever been to, bring it on! -
Partaking of emblems
by sloppyjoe2 inthis year will be my first for by going to the memorial.
i will get asked by my parents how i can deny jesus even if i don't believe the end is close.
my thoughts on this are as follows, bear in mind saying it's all make believe is not an option.. i think that jesus intended for everyone to eat the bread and drink the wine.
I could have been more descriptive. These aren't my beliefs in the sense I believe they are necessary. But with my fade I have to maintain that I am a "believer" still as doing so has kept me from being shunned so far. My questions were really, is my saying that the apostles weren't anointed but still partook a valid argument for me to make as why I don't attend the memorial? Or are the holes in that argument that a JW could point out.