First year not receiving invite. No calls or emails either. Saw the sisters pass my house. They know I'm in town and have known them for years. Too busy to call no doubt and that is okay.
Will be making my annual lamb dinner only a bit more casually this year. (Kids look forward to it as my big dinner). Will make flat bread for all to eat. Will discuss scriptures, calendars, Jesus' message and intent.
Will discuss the fact that passover is next month and whether it matters....leap year and all. What would Jesus do? Maybe we will celebrate both? Perhaps also review Purim on the calendar.
First year entire family and extended family not attending. Some will do something privately. We do not want to be a statistic considering how we have been considered unworthy, weak, bad association by so many. I dont fit in and now I'm fine with it.
They are not my eternal judge.