JoinedPosts by Stirred
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
Deepest condolences LisaRose! -
Welcome Ryan. I hope you find the support you need.
Take care of yourself - get sleep, seek out healthy distractions, exercixe.
My recovery would go better if I did the same!
JW drives car through Kingdom Hall
by LevelThePlayingField ina 78-year-old female driver escaped with cuts and bruises after crashing into the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses in berrimah.
picture: nt policea parishioner arriving at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses in berrimah crashed through two church walls, missing occupants waiting for a service to start.. the 78-year-old female driver was taken to hospital with cuts and bruises.
police believed she may also be suffering from shock.. the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses suffered significant damage when a female parishioner crashed through two walls in her car.
So glad no one seriously hurt.
Too many older ones who maybe should not be driving is all that may be going on. Perhaps not taking her meds right. Who knows for sure?
i feel sorry for her.
Japanese sister woke up with this Watchtower article !
by nakanozzi ina japanese sister who recently woke up revealed me that she became extremely suspicious about the organization after reading watchtower article .oct.15 2015page31.
This goes against the counsel to imitate the Boreans IMHO.
i have had little stomach to read since AM3 gave the special talk...
I am disturbed yet again by such an article and the experiences ones have experienced where JWs refuse to even watch livestream of ARC as if it is evil.
I feel more and more upset and wanting to just DA or just announce casually and openly, when it comes up, that I do not agree or believe all they teach.
Let the chips fall...
So glad to hear a sister in Japan used her critical thinking skills to wake up.
Prince is dead.
by DATA-DOG inhas anyone heard about this?
that really sucks.
lots of dubs are talking.
Does HIPA still apply if your dead? It should....
why not focus on his talent and not soil his name in death with inuendo?
I liked many songs he played but definitely not all. Respected his talent.
I can understand the attraction he had to being a witness....resurrection hope.
Even a music icon can be converted in adulthood....
I am sad for him, and strangely for his death.
people magazine- prince as a JW
by All for show indunno if anyone saw this yet.
the comments are full of jw apologists.
Absolutely agree with you Smiddy!! -
out for a long time
by Sledracer inmy husband and i have been out for a long time, maybe fifteen years, i must say we are in a bit of a nowhere land spiritually, we find it impossible to attend any other church.
we really resent so much of how they messed up our and our children's lives.
we can't get back all those 25 years we were in.
I felt so for some time after initially leaving. Pangs are still there at times for something....after 20+ years, but finding a network of support and friends that allow you to ask open questions, where yoga pants when you want, and actually care about your family's well-being is so much of a stronger need for me and my family now.
You can sing at home, thought I know it is not the same...spfind new ways to pluck that strong for yourself.
My Personal Invitation to the Celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal
by TMS inby no means is this a heartwarming "experience" illustrating how an ex-jw skillfully "reached the heart" of a current jw, moving them to re-examine their belief system.
that won't be my take on my half hour visit with an elder's wife last sunday.
no one scored points here as is almost always the case in these interactions.. we live at the extreme southern tip of texas, on the u.s.-mexico border in a city of about 200,000. twenty years ago there were 20 spanish language congregations, 2 english.
Staying calm, humbly pointing out facts, showing real friendship, care and concern, and being a truly "good neighbor" all helped me to wake up. So I argue it is not futile at all.
Aggression and disrespectful talk would turn me off. However, asking good questions, especially ones that highlighted non-biblical rules helped me very much.
I actually thanked my neighbor.
2016 Memorial Done & Dusted
by steve2 inwell on this side of the planet, the southern hemisphere/ new zealand, the 2016 memorial service in local kingdom halls will be over for another year.
another great big anticlimax.
some family and relatives will have gone - but unless i ask my sister, i generally have no idea about attendance and partaker numbers.
First year not receiving invite. No calls or emails either. Saw the sisters pass my house. They know I'm in town and have known them for years. Too busy to call no doubt and that is okay.
Will be making my annual lamb dinner only a bit more casually this year. (Kids look forward to it as my big dinner). Will make flat bread for all to eat. Will discuss scriptures, calendars, Jesus' message and intent.
Will discuss the fact that passover is next month and whether it matters....leap year and all. What would Jesus do? Maybe we will celebrate both? Perhaps also review Purim on the calendar.
First year entire family and extended family not attending. Some will do something privately. We do not want to be a statistic considering how we have been considered unworthy, weak, bad association by so many. I dont fit in and now I'm fine with it.
They are not my eternal judge.
My Personal Invitation to the Celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal
by TMS inby no means is this a heartwarming "experience" illustrating how an ex-jw skillfully "reached the heart" of a current jw, moving them to re-examine their belief system.
that won't be my take on my half hour visit with an elder's wife last sunday.
no one scored points here as is almost always the case in these interactions.. we live at the extreme southern tip of texas, on the u.s.-mexico border in a city of about 200,000. twenty years ago there were 20 spanish language congregations, 2 english.
I can understand her outward appearance. She has on her witness suit of armor. She may very well ponder these things. I'd bet money on it. Why? Because she tarried so long in conversation, showed concern as to why you were negatively affected versus just writing you off and moving on....she really wanted to know in order to help but also perhaps curiosity was growing inyour conversation. If she was aware of facts, she may be in the middle numb point of trying to push off these thoughts or is dealing with inner conflicts with the oft used logic that we should wait in Jehovah to handle this...or that we dont know all the facts and no doubt the medianis blowing this up.
This will ring in her mind no doubt on a regular basis. A neighbor brought out one simole question to me a couple years back when I was feeling already stressed by issues in the workings of the JW culture....he pegged it. I could not disagree or really answer at the time. His comment and question rang in my head regularly till one day I started taking steps to clear my conscience of any dissonance.