When I first stared attending meetings, I was 16. I did not own a dress, or a skirt!
I am the eldest of 9 kids and my parents struggled to make ends meet. We lived on what the witnesses called ?the dog and flea map? everyone hated that territory and even the brothers always worked in pairs!
The kingdom hall was in the next town and they were a real ?keep up with the Joneses? type. Always competing about who had the best car, extension ?and clothes!
I spent more money than we could afford on some second hand meeting clothes, but I could never have dressed like them. I often would sit and cry before a meeting because I knew I could not meet their dress standards.
Well, I worked hard in every other aspect of ?the truth? my field service averaged around 50 hours a month, I never missed a meeting, studied all the material, and never came close to breaking the rules.
So after about 8 months of studying I requested to be baptized. My request was denied. Why? Because they felt I needed to work on my dress!!!!
I was always clean and tidy; it was just that my clothes were a little out of date and maybe a bit shabby.
The point is though, that the community already saw me as a witness as I was always out in service. Isn?t baptism meant to be a public demonstration of your dedication to God?
Were they saying that my dedication was invalid because I couldn?t keep up with the latest witness fashion styles?!
I was so humiliated, and felt that Jehovah had rejected me. it really upset me.
It took me another year to feel able to ask again, which was accepted.