"We have met lots and lots of nice people."........who will die real soon unless they invite us into their homes where we will assimilate them.
http://www.mvleadvocate.com/web/isite.dll?1034199077334 .
kingdom hall is modern-day miracle .
by joann shum.
"We have met lots and lots of nice people."........who will die real soon unless they invite us into their homes where we will assimilate them.
well, folks.
i just had a minor epiphany.
its a wonder it never dawned on me before, because it should have been so obvious.. we can forget about doing any more research or any more exegesis.
Sorry, Ashi...............We have alot to make up for. All the Ice Cream you want, our house, this weekend...................
Love, Mom
well, folks.
i just had a minor epiphany.
its a wonder it never dawned on me before, because it should have been so obvious.. we can forget about doing any more research or any more exegesis.
I guess we must have had a "quiet" hall--because I remember more than a few "special needs" talks on singing "loudly" our praises to Jehovah. Thought this was such a waste of time. I just wanted to get my kids home and go to bed.
Mrs. Shakita
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.. this killer is a personal one for me.
i lost my mother last year to this horrible disease.
she battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis.
When my Mom told me she was in stage 4 of the cancer, I just remember feeling an unknown fear. Cancer to me meant a sure death. And stage 4 to me meant that she would not be here with us much longer. But, her doctors were always amazed that she fought off the cancer as long as she did. Her one doctor had a name for her(because she beat the odds)but I can't seem to remember it now. From the diagnosis of Stage 4 till her death, was 4 years. So, the doctor's don't really have all the answers.
On the subject of doctor's giving the right answers all the time... My father died last December from lung cancer. Diagnosed in November and died in December. Such a difference from my mothers long fight with the killer. The doctors originally diagnosed him with bursitis. Pain in the shoulder, radiating down the back. He always had back problems, so with his history, assumed it was age related bursitis. This started around the time of my mothers death in July. It got increasingly worse. My father lived far from me, and he grew up not complaining about himself. He took himself to the doctor and didn't tell us anything about his increasing pain. I looked into his medical papers after his death and found out that his doctor never found the large cancer in his lung. This was found after 5 months after he was admitted to the hospital when he could not get off his livingroom chair. I was so livid that they didn't find this cancer sooner. I am not sure if the outcome would have been different. Just miss him.
You and your mother will be in my thoughts and prayers.
You have my deepest sympathy. About the time your Mom was diagnosed, my Mom and Mother-in-Law were also found to have breast cancer. My Mom's fight lasted 20 years. My Mother-in-Law died after 5 years from diagnosis. I wonder why the doctor's did not do a mastectomy after finding the lump in your Mom. In my mothers case, the cancer had spread to the lumph nodes, that's why she had chemo following surgery. My mother-in-law's cancer had not spread to her nodes, so no chemo was recommended in her case. Maybe that's why her cancer returned so quickly and spread to her lungs. I don't know. But, like your Mom, she lost her fight after 5 years. People make jokes about mother-in-laws, but she was just a great, caring person. She is also missed.
Let's hope and pray they find a cure soon. Take Care.
Mrs. Shakita
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.. this killer is a personal one for me.
i lost my mother last year to this horrible disease.
she battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis.
I am so sorry. It seems that everyone knows someone who has had breast cancer. Some are able to beat this cancer. Others are like our loved ones. They will be missed terribly. I try to hold on to all the good memories and pray(which is very difficult for me lately)that they will find a cure soon. You will be in my thoughts. Take care.
Mrs. Shakita
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.. this killer is a personal one for me.
i lost my mother last year to this horrible disease.
she battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis.
Thanks for the link. I found out the next race in my state is on October 20, 2002. I have two jobs scheduled for that day, but will find out the time the run starts and take it from there. Thanks again.
Mrs. Shakita
i've been doing a bit of self-questioning lately about moral issues.
one of the issues i've pondered is my reaction to the september 11th attacks.
i was feeling quite bloodthirsty.
Oh God, I know people who are close to me who work in New York City. I can't even imagine the horror of your words. We all know that the possibility is there, but it makes me sick to even think of something like that happening. I'll leave judgement of the Head Braindead and all their recruits up to a higher power.
Mrs. Shakita
my neighbor told me today that last saturday the witnesses had been on our street.
i wasn't home at the time.
he said he told them about the dateline program and that he had seen the silent lambs web site.
They are not able to defend themselves because they are not being TOLD what to say. So, they run away and whisper among themselves, "Persecution, Persecution, remember it was foretold this would happen!" Poor jw's, blinded by the fear of the unknown. The WT is digging its own grave. Sorry, there I go again sounding like an apostate.
Mrs. Shakita
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.. this killer is a personal one for me.
i lost my mother last year to this horrible disease.
she battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis.
I, too, would like to participate in "Race for the Cure". I will look into it in my own area.
Thanks for your reply, also. We cannot bring back those we have lost, but we can try to do our part in informing others of the need for preventative measures that can be taken to catch this disease early.
Mrs. Shakita
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.. this killer is a personal one for me.
i lost my mother last year to this horrible disease.
she battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis.
43,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.
This killer is a personal one for me. I lost my mother last year to this horrible disease. She battled this cancer for a long time and endured much pain since her diagnosis. Twenty years ago, she found a lump in her breast and waited. I am not sure what she was waiting for. Maybe for it to go away. I don't know. After a few months, she finally got the courage to see a doctor. She had a mastectomy and chemo. The rest of the story is a long one. A long battle with a cancer that would not go away. It finally ended up in her bones. Bone cancer is very painful. In the end, it was this cancer that finally ended up killing her. Twenty years. I guess that was a gift compared to my husband's mother. She was diagnosed with breast cancer one month after my mother. She also found a lump in her breast herself. Difference was, she immediately went to the doctor. She also had a mastectomy. But the doctor recommended no chemo in her case, since it had not spread. My wonderful mother-in-law's fight with breast cancer was not as long. Her cancer spread to her lungs. She died five years after diagnosis. Breast cancer has robbed our family of the love of two wonderful and caring people.
I have had mammograms myself since age 35. I encourage all women to get an annual mammogram. In my case, they suggested a baseline at age 35, every two years after till age 40, then every year after. Every women should consult with their own doctor to see what the recommendations are in their case. Remember, 75% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.
There is a site called THEBREASTCANCERSITE.COM where you can "click on" to help give free mammograms to those who cannot afford one themselves. Also, women can check out their own cities and find where they can get free mammograms. Please do this for not only yourself, but for the ones you love.
Take Care. Mrs. Shakita