An Hour!!!!! It took me about 6 months of lurking to finally get the courage to post here. Some people are really scary!!!!!!! Welcome brandy5.
JoinedPosts by Shakita
Hi I'm new here
by Brandy5 ini spent an hour looking at this site and decided to join.
i was a jw from 1973 to 1986. yikes!
not a smart thing to do.
need fluff? Tell some corny church sign sayings
by LyinEyes ini live in the south , very heavy bible belt.
there is a church on every corner.
they always have a sign out front with some very corny saying.
Just passed one tonight. Scared the hell out of me.
It said, "JEHOVAH'S WITNESS KINGDOM HALL." I don't think I will ever get over the fright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All bookstudies at the KH???
by Intuit39 ini know of a congregation on the east coast that is having all bookstudies meet at the kingdom hall!
that's right--no bookstudies in private homes, at least for now.... has anyone else heard of this?
and what could be the reason?
Bali, Terrorism, Iraq, War, My Town
by Max Divergent ina few weeks ago there were heated discussions here along the lines that "if your city was attacked by terrorists, you'd want to attack iraq too" v's "iraq hasn't done anything (big) wrong yet, don't invade".
i'm from perth, western australia and last weekend 30-40 or even more perth people died in a c4 and (apparently) napalm car bomb attack at a nightclub in bali (hence the burns).
bali's not perth, but there are very, very close links between the people of perth and the people of bali built over many years, illustrated by maybe a quarter or a third of the fatalities being from perth.
I agree with everything you said. But, to separate Saddam(who is Iraq) from the other terrorist groups is not clear to me. I am no expert on middle eastern topics. You sound much more informed than I. But when looking up the definition of terrorist in the American Heritage Dictionary, I came up with the following: Terrorist-Noun-One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism-Adjective-of or relating to terrorism, Terrorism-Noun-The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for idealogical or political reasons.
"A possible invasion of Iraq and the "war" on terrorism is two completely different issues." They are both under the definition of terrorist/terrorism. How can they be different then? Saddam is a terrorist and practices terrorism. The same for any group of terrorists.
And, now there is North Korea who seems to have some nuclear capability, also. Are they terrorists? No. Unless they start using that nuclear capability to terrorize others. Time will tell there.
Looks like the world is going to 'hell in a handbasket."
Just my opinion, of course,
Mrs. Shakita
Yikes.............Looks like me when I get my contact stuck in my eye!!!!!!!!
Where are you ?
by sunshineToo in.
in which part of the planet are you?
i'm in the sf bay area, ca, u.s.a. i have been there for 17 years.. how about you?
Hey Ashitaka,
I'm from Joisey, too. Isn't it a small world.
Mrs. Shakita
Bali, Terrorism, Iraq, War, My Town
by Max Divergent ina few weeks ago there were heated discussions here along the lines that "if your city was attacked by terrorists, you'd want to attack iraq too" v's "iraq hasn't done anything (big) wrong yet, don't invade".
i'm from perth, western australia and last weekend 30-40 or even more perth people died in a c4 and (apparently) napalm car bomb attack at a nightclub in bali (hence the burns).
bali's not perth, but there are very, very close links between the people of perth and the people of bali built over many years, illustrated by maybe a quarter or a third of the fatalities being from perth.
Hi Max:
Australia is on my "to visit one day" list. I would love to come "down under" to see your beautiful place.
I think the post, even though I didn't respond myself, deals with the revenge factor if you were personnally affected by terrorism. There is an "Ask Marilyn" column in our Sunday paper where the reader asked "What is the difference between revenge and justice?" She answered, "Revenge feels right only to those directly involved. Justice feels right even to outsiders." I think we have to distinquish here what action we feel we must take as a country involving Irag. Here in the US, after 9/11, we were very patient when seeking out justice. Many wanted revenge. The US declared war against terrorism. Terrorism in any form. I am now reading "The Threatening Storm" by Kenneth M Pollack. If you doubt that Saddam is anything but a terrorist, you must read this book. Iraq must have a regime change. If it isn't done NOW, we are probably just biding time. He WILL hold hostage the freedom we all hold dear.
We are at a point of time that is crucial to all humanity. Terrorism must be fought proactively. We can not sit back and let Saddam acquire even MORE weapons of mass destruction. Because he does have them, has used them, and will use them "at the drop of a hat."
Mrs. Shakita
WORLDLY people just had a BENEFIT for me.
by gumby inthere is no love in "the world " my arse!
about a month ago i had a watercraft accident and i got busted up pretty good.
last weekend a workmate of mine got a benifit going for marks bar.
So sorry about your Mom. She sounded like a very nice person. And, you are a wonderful daughter to take care of your Mom like you did and watch over her.
My daughter was married this last year. Had a big reception. And, I am convinced that the JW's are the cheapest people in the world! What do you expect from a religion that promotes self-preservation above all else!
Mrs. Shakita
Resurection of billions will bring famine
by Gerard inwhen billions of people resurect, in flesh and bone, their bodies will again need a source of energy: food.
the world will be seriously overpopulated overnight and food will become scarce; should we expect cattle rustlers, gangs, tribal wars?
will history repeat itself?
I have no problem with being vegetarian, but what about CHOCOLATE? Will there be CHOCOLATE in the new system? If not, I REFUSE TO GO. CAN'T MAKE ME, CAN'T MAKE ME. I WILL NOT LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!
One who personally does not let a day go by without eating some kind of CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
help! my son is going to the th. night meeting...
by kaykay_mp in...with my mom!
a) grab his left arm tightly while my mom grabs his right arm, with me saying, "over my dead body!"?.
b) not even care, since i would like one evening without hearing, "mine!
Sorry, I retract my last post.....thought you said you were of the male gender.....