If we take the bible books as real/true and inspired, then we see that death is a punishment. We all still die, though it seems Jesus paid for our sins and removed Adam's sin. Unfortunately none of us have benefitted from that deed as we all still die.
Life is precious. It is given by the creator. Jesus is positioned as THE judge and can give life. Then why do so many believers think they need religion or a religious organisation to tell them how the judgement will take place and on what grounds?
Is or will there be a resurrection? Paul said that if there is no resurrection, our work is useless. Just let 's have fun (my wording..) That same Paul never gave proof of a resurrection. It was his belief. Like many believers, it is just a belief. They justify their belief by saying that life has no meaning if there is no resurrection. For those who think like that, think about Adam and Eve. Why were they created? I dare to say that you will not find the reason in your bible. Why were animals created? You will not find the reason. In other words, there is nothing in the books, scriptures or in the creation that explains why humans, plant, animals were created. All ideas around this come from humans. People that need to find a purpose and will make one up to satisfy their search for reason/purpose.
If the creator had a purpose with human or animal life, he would have protected it. Like we would. If we have something of value, we protect it. Do we have proof that human life is protected?
If the creator wanted all creatures to know what the purpose is of their lives, would he not just made it clear somehow, clear and crisp for everyone? If governments can make it clear that all humans have to pay taxes or companies that provide same and equal instructions to buyers on how to use their products, would you not expect from a super powerful and smart creator to achieve the same thing?
If all creatures have been created, could it not be that the creator just enjoyed creating this, without any specific purpose? Just "for the fun of it" because he could do it?