The article "forgets" to mention that 1) all ten virgins fell asleep (matt. 25:5), and all become awake when there is an announcement (who gives that announcement??) that the bridegroom is here (not arriving invisibly but has arrived, visibly). Only then the amount of oil becomes an issue.
So, all virgins feel asleep......
Only when it is announced the bridegroom is here, they all wake up. The parable (that is what it is, not a prophecy) is to warn all believers to be ready to be joined with Jesus. How? Well, throughout the NT we read that FAITH is the critical element of believers. I guess the oil represents the amount of faith. So, in my view, Jesus is warning His followers that a lack of faith is dangerous as in will jeopardize your access to the kingdom.
For Jesus, all parables were meant to say about things that save you and allow access to the kingdom / eternal life or the things things that will prevent that.