On studybible.info:
So, an angel of God and the glory of the Lord (Jesus??)
And found this one (WBTS very happy):
ECB(i) 9 and behold, the angel of Yah Veh stands over them and the glory of Yah Veh haloes them: and they awe a mega awe.
and this one:
JMNT(i) 9 And then – look and think of this! – all at once [the] Lord's [= Yahweh's] agent (or: messenger) took a stand upon [their encampment], in the midst of them (or: stood at their [side]), and [the] Lord's [= Yahweh's] glory (Theophanous manifestation) shone (gleamed and radiated) around about them, and they became afraid [with] a great fear (= were struck with terror).
Anyway, we do not know what the translations or copies they used in the first century. Further, if it was critical that the tetragrammaton was to remain in all translations or copies because it means life, you'd expect it to be there. A God who is capable to create humans, is very well capable to protect His name. But He did not. Moreover, the name of His Son became the most important name mentioned in the NT.