Funny, the WBTS teaches that Matt. 28:19,20 applies to all [JW's] although Jesus was speaking to HIs apostles. If this commission is to be accepted by all, what about the commission to eat His flesh and drink His blood in commemoration of His death? Why does the WBTS teach that partaking is only for a few? Did Jesus not also only talk to His apostles?
I call that inconsistency or cherry picking.
The WBTS teaches that "bad people have removed the tetragrammaton from the original Christian manuscripts. First, which are the originals as there are some 5000 fragments. Second, if that is true, why have they also not removed it from the Greek translation of the OT / Hebrew scriptures?
I do not believe anyone here is jealous of the wealth the WBTS has collected over the years. What most here do have against the WBTS regarding their wealth is that they never use that wealth for the rank and file. Poor publishers cannot even ask the congregation for support. Congregations nor WBTS ever donate to charities. Many working at bethel have been sacked without any support. About all congregations have lost ownership of their kingdom halls. I can go on but I feel you would not care at all.
I am sure you just love being told what to do, beng welcomed by your peers in the congregations, not bothered to do really assess that what you are told is true like the beroeans did. So, by all means, enjoy your life under the umbrella of the WBTS. I guess you deserve it.