All religions are from men. Even the scriptures were written (and copied/rewritten) by men. They all claim to be approved by their God. Religion means power for its leaders. And they all try to.hide their (serious) mistakes and crimes. So, the community can only depend on non-religious organisations to uncover those hidden crimes. Priests or elders or vicars are all employed by their leaders. They serve the organization else they will be removed from their position.
In the world we have something like Intellectual Property and patents, setup to protect the originator that his/her ideas are not copied. If the scriptures should lead to Gods approval, would it not be good that God made sure people could rely on ONE source, that is clearly identified as coming from God, beyond a doubt? As this is not the case, people cannot rely on religion as they all have used the void to present themselves as "true" and have assumes a position of power.
The WT has created its own world and believe that they are above the authorities. The same the Roman Catholic Church had made. None of these so-called religious worlds are any better than the world outside religion.
It is up to humans to fix things. Those who wait on their God to act or fix things are guilty for allowing bad things to continue to happen. People will have to act to protect the weak, the meek, the innocent. Progress has been made but still a lot to do.