Two big things, about a year and a half apart, were finally enough to help me see the light.
My now ex-wife and I got df'd for partaking of natural desires having sex before we got married. When I went to this one elder that I thought was actually a pretty good guy and asked for some help with the "problem", he told me that I had to come back first and get reinstated before he could help me with the problem.. He said that, since I had been disfellowshipped, he had "no obligation to help me." I don't know if I wasn't paying attention at meetings when they said that they never cared about genuine, sincere, repentant disfellowshipped people anymore, but that shocked the sh*t out of me.
The next biggie was, when my oldest of four beautiful children was born, my brother called up, I think partly to congratulate me, and also to remind me that, 'since I was the head of the household, if I never went back to meetings that Brandon (my son) would die at Armageddon.'
That ended it completely. I told him that I didn't believe that God would kill my son because I was a sinner. (I eventually got over the guilt problem, too. )
Besides that, anyone who knew my ex-wife and I knew that I was NEVER the head of the household...... teehee. A little bit of levity there, but the rest is brutally honest.