JoinedPosts by berrygerry
A passing thought when driving past an inactive JWs place today.
by joe134cd ini'm going to tell you of a family i knew of when growing up as a jw.
she was a solo mother who had 2 daughters and these 2 daughters were absolutely stunning both physically and personailty wise.
i remember thinking at the time how commendable it was that such beautiful looking women would choose to stay in the organisation.
Seinfeld episode "The Library" and Sherry Becker. -
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
Further to the life expectancy chart above - this is the life expectancy from 1900 to 1998 (including the famed 1914).
The fight against poverty, disease, hunger improves things year by year.
There has NEVER been another period in history for which the average person could be alive.
Not the way WTS predicted.
JW Threatened me with Violence Today :)
by cofty ini popped into the supermarket for a few things after work today and found myself walking up an aisle alongside a couple who used to be in my tuesday group.
i see them reasonably often and always say hello much to their obvious annoyance.
i noticed that ian was sporting a shaggy beard.
Agree 100% with EdenOne.
There is a chasmic difference in choosing one's company, and being forced into avoidance (ESPECIALLY of family members) by any institution.
New documentary on JWs made by an ex-JW in Canada(Quebec) in french
by yalbmert99 inhi, for those who can understand french, on sept.2 in canada(quebec) on channel tva aired a documentary on jws made by an ex-jw, jean-sebastien lozeau.
it is now on youtube, but it will probably be deleted soon.
so watch it before it dissappears.
It's extremely late , so I only watched the intro.
Very moving.
Kingdom hall in a church complex
by StephaneLaliberte incheck out this kingdom hall right in a church complex!!
google map!
That looks very weird. -
feeling of hopelessness and fear
by 060702015 indo you have feelings of hopelessness and fear for not having a religion?.
do you envy happy jehovah witnesses and living their lives carefree?.
I only realized once I left, how negatively the weekly meetings affected me. Being constantly reminded how inadequate and undeserving I was, how hopeless and broken the world and everyone in it
Identical feelings.
Every return trip home from meetings and FS was complete CD (without knowing what CD was).
Major bummer.
feeling of hopelessness and fear
by 060702015 indo you have feelings of hopelessness and fear for not having a religion?.
do you envy happy jehovah witnesses and living their lives carefree?.
The average Dub is ONLY ABOUT SHOW.
That does not mean that leaving does not have consequences.
I think a must-read book (which I have just started) is:
"Why Does This Keep Happening to Me?" - Alan Downs.The book speaks about Conscious Agreements and Unconscious Agreements.
These agreements control our lives completely.
They exist in families, among friends, among congo members, and with our version of a Supreme Being.
"Waking Up is Hard to Do"
by elkatire1980 inthis letter was sent to all congregations in ecuador (south america).. the translation into english of the letter:.
to body ofelders.
subject: publisher who did not report field service time in the second semester of service year.. dear brothers:.
I do not recall these types of letters being posted about in past years.
I will add that I looked at some interesting changes to this page though
( http://www.jw.Borg/en/jehovahs-witnesses/ )
Up until early 2013, they had been using the term "ministers who teach" - changed - we all know why.
They also had been saying number who attend our meetings or conventions (plural). Memorial attenders do not attend meetings - they attended ONE meeting.
Mrs. Eden sends her regards to you all .... =)
by EdenOne inmrs. eden is laying here by my side reading the forum latest posts with me and asked me to send you all her warmest regards.
more to follow soon.... .
Is she East of you?
(And I'm envious.)
WE NEED MORE MONEY! (Letter sent to Mexico re: JW Broadcasting of May 2015).
by avaddohn94 ini don't know if they're making similar arrangements in other parts of the world but below you will find the letter (and the translation attempt) they're sending to all the congregations in mexico and central america asking them to modify their september 21 and september 28 service meeting programs.. after watching jackson's gold apple watch and lett's pinky ring one can only assume they are a bunch of brazen, shameless and greedy bastards!.
the letter has already been uploaded at the spanish forum and you can find it if you click here or see the attached picture.. the translation "attempt" is as follows:.
august 1, 2015. to all congregations.
To cut the long story short, they used the following image to accompany an "experience" of an anonymous kid whose savings into a piggy bank were sent "in support of the worldwide work".
From one pig to another (well actually, to 7 others).
(BTW, if pork was so unclean, shouldn't Dubs choose a clean animal as their pork-bank?)