I was strong-armed into quitting my job (which I dearly loved, even to this day). This was about 6-8 months into "studying."
A friend was pressured into marrying someone he didn't really love (Jehovah will make it work).
johnny normal is watching television one day when he hears a knock at the door.
answering it he sees two jehovah's witnesses clutching bibles; and one a brief case.
over the next few months things are going well.
I was strong-armed into quitting my job (which I dearly loved, even to this day). This was about 6-8 months into "studying."
A friend was pressured into marrying someone he didn't really love (Jehovah will make it work).
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
I would contact social services and tell them how you feel.
Home-schooling is the worst thing for cult members.
You lose any sense of self.
Schools are not just to educate you intellectually, but to educate you socially.
Do not be afraid to talk to them. They can be terrific.
hope you guys can help me find something.
there was a video circulating about three years ago showing a sample judicial meeting, which basically ended up with the other elders slamming the one guy who was trying to be somewhat merciful.
of course the person was df'd.. my husband said at the meeting they actually had a talk saying that now the elders look for any reason not to df, etc.,etc.. i am trying to find that video.
i posted in another topic a few hours ago.
it is my first time on here or any website like this, ever.
i was dfed back in september for adultery.
I disagree with the people who say you'll never get reinstated if you marry the other guy.
I've seen five years, although that was a former elder, who tried to get reinstated in the wrong congo.
Aside from Outlaw's,
every drop of breast milk has roughly 1 million white blood cells in it.
so the next time you see a jw drink milk or eating milk with his cereal etc.
you must run over and take it out of his/her hands and then give them a stern warning.
I think that the elders should monitor the mothers' room at the hall.
Only formula.
abuse allegations in newfoundland casting a cloud over jehovah's witnessesallegations of abuse involving two members of the jehovah's witness religious movement in newfoundland have emerged, though details of the charges are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.
cbc news has learned that a former volunteer church elder and his son are facing charges.the former elder is charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation relating to allegations dating from 2009 to 2012 in central newfoundland.according to court documents, a second man is charged with sexual assault, with the information referencing a period between may 2011 and december 2013 in a community on the avalon peninsula.cbc news has confirmed that the pair are father and son.a sexual exploitation charge involves anyone in a position of trust or authority who commits an offence against a young person.the matter involving the older accused was called at a provincial court on wednesday.it was set over until next month, when a date is expected to be set for trial.the younger accused is scheduled to make a court appearance later this month.. read full article at link.. *note the very last sentence in the article.
And they say that elders are too busy to be doing things with their children.
How sweet that the son and the father can be doing things together.
/s - If you didn't know.
i posted in another topic a few hours ago.
it is my first time on here or any website like this, ever.
i was dfed back in september for adultery.
7: Show up for the field service meeting. Don't talk to anyone or at all. Explain to the Elders that you are showing your support for those in the ministry.
I would ask the Elders before doing this. Never heard of it. Bad idea, IMO.
You cannot get caught even TALKING to your new beau.
Also, what is view of the Borg now - has he been learning TTATT?
i am going way, way back.
history reveals that in the beginning the wt was just a publishing house, selling books and magazines; over the years it evolved into what it is today..
the placement of the original publications was mostly done thru sales people masquerading as preachers.
I always remember the experiences of trading food, chickens, whatever for literature.
I remember once when pioneering and a dude said that he had no money to "contribute,"
I saw a bunch of empty soda bottles (which have a refundable deposit), so I traded the mags for empty bottles.
What an f***ed up bunch (me included).