As to plans for the future, they've recently announced the building of the Bethel in England which they expect to be completed by 2020 or thereabouts.
has anyone attended the sunday program of the summer regional convention, remain loyal to jehovah?.
i have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program.
i went to friday and sat., not sunday.
As to plans for the future, they've recently announced the building of the Bethel in England which they expect to be completed by 2020 or thereabouts.
has anyone attended the sunday program of the summer regional convention, remain loyal to jehovah?.
i have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program.
i went to friday and sat., not sunday.
They have some truths but want to control ever area of your life.
I did feel freedom when I quit. I LOVED every moment of it. Now here I am wondering what has happened to me. I feel sooooo lonely. I think the Jws know something I dont know, I am not one of them. I just cant seem to conform and have a rigid view of everything and everyone.
Why we're messed up:
Read Bonnie's book. ( more than once.)
there continues to be more and more rumors of more halls being sold off some even taking the first offer.
the borg trying to get thier bond money back from the court in san diego asap and there's been elders meetings about this consolidation.
my questions is why after selling off all this real estate in new york for over a billion dollars are they still acting like thier broke?
It's like any business.
It's been running a deficit for years, although they are asset-rich, their income has plonked.
Time to right the ship with professional bean-counters, instead of seniority-hacks.
(Just for comparison in Canada - have you heard of The Bay, Eatons, and Sears? The same product at each store would be priced at $19, $18, and $17. respectively. The Bay has been trying to adapt, Eatons has disappeared, and Sears is, well, Sears is, for now.)
The 21st-century and the internet have brought competition to the after-life business.
milande louis cadet, a 46 year old jehovah's witness woman, died after childbirth in a montreal hospital on october 3, 2016.. this interview and story is in french.
i have done a poor google translate of the article...the tv story likely has more and better details.
The blood vessels feeding it are bringing one-fifth of her blood volume to it every minute, and new blood vessels have formed in every direction, following no solid anatomical rules, because the pregnancy has strongly requested them since the day it set up shop. During the surgery, you clamp and tie off arteries that are the size of your pinky finger and sometimes your thumb; they bleed, you clamp and tie them again.
Wow, you would bleed out in just a few minutes.
namely an e-religion with minimal congregations?
notice the very similar subject matters.
Okay - what the heck is this?
namely an e-religion with minimal congregations?
notice the very similar subject matters.
Wow, looks similar. The font of some text, the on camera 'set'....
Well, here is one difference:
An audited financial report is published annually.
according to acts 15, the meeting at jerusalem boldly declared that god's holy spirit issued a formal resolution counselling christians to "abstain from meats offered to idols and from blood, and from things strangled, and from formication", yet in 1 corinthians chapters 8 &10 paul set the holy spirit-issued resolution of the jerusalem meeting regarding the eating of meat sacrificed to idols aside:.
"concerning the eating of food offered to idols … some, because of their former association with the idol, eat food as something sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.
but food will not bring us nearer to god; we are no worse off if we do not eat, nor better off if we eat.
Also missing are these key words:
For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things:
when i left the org, the jw's tried their best to guilt trip me.
some of the questions i was asked and things i was told:.
"how could you possibly be happy outside of jehovah's organization?
I never heard promoted in JW literature the theme " I want mercy "
It's buried - a lapse in judgment.
It is also reassuring to know that he seeks to show mercy if there is a basis for doing so.
Yes, his way of judging can be summed up as follows: firmness where necessary, mercy wherever possible.—2 Peter 3:9.
These spiritually qualified men are well aware that justice, or righteousness, requires that the congregation be kept clean. At times, elders are obliged to judge cases of serious wrongdoing. When doing so, they remember that divine justice seeks to extend mercy if at all possible.
have attendance figures at this year's memorial been released yet, including number of partakers?
sometimes the kingdom ministry (now called christian life and ministry) provided local figures say for the country.. for two to three years the worldwide figure has hovered around the 19 plus million, with a drop off in attendance last year.. just wondered if there has been any change this year or if the downward trend has continued?
2015 was IN PRINT in October's KM.
It is curious as to why the delay this year.
one comment-giver during the rules study, remarked that ww1 was predicted by wt to arrive in 1914, despite the fact that everyone expected an era of unparalleled peace.. this was something continuously drilled into our heads - how peaceful everything was prior to ww1.. when you look at wt library under 'world war i' - "unexpected" - the results are all offline - there are no recent references ( unexpected: re 106; w92 5/1 4-5; yb87 124; w86 2/15 5; w86 11/1 6 ).
the offline quotes are as follows:.
One comment-giver during the Rules study, remarked that WW1 was predicted by WT to arrive in 1914, despite the fact that everyone expected an era of unparalleled peace.
This was something continuously drilled into our heads - how peaceful everything was prior to WW1.
When you look at WT Library under 'World War I' - "unexpected" - the results are all offline - there are no recent references ( unexpected: re 106; w92 5/1 4-5; yb87 124; w86 2/15 5; w86 11/1 6 )
The offline quotes are as follows:
Rev Climax page 106
“The 19th century’s faith in progress received its fatal blow in 1914. The year before the outbreak of war, Danish historian and politician Peter Munch wrote optimistically: ‘All evidence is against the probability of a war between the great European powers. “The danger of war” will also disappear in future, as it has done time after time since 1871.’
May 1, 1992 Awake page 4
Suddenly, in August
“The spring and summer of 1914 were marked in Europe by an exceptional tranquillity,” wrote British statesman Winston Churchill. People were generally optimistic about the future. “The world of 1914 was full of hope and promise,” said Louis Snyder in his book World War I.
True, for many years there had been intense rivalry between Germany and Britain. Nevertheless, as historian G. P. Gooch explains in his book Under Six Reigns: “A European conflict appeared less likely in 1914 than in 1911, 1912 or 1913 . . . The relations of the two governments were better than they had been for years.” According to Winston Churchill, a member of Britain’s 1914 cabinet: “Germany seemed with us, to be set on peace.”
1987 Yearbook page 124
Since 1876, the attention of the Bible Students had been directed to the year 1914 as a turning point in history. The 2,520 years known as the Times of the Gentiles were then to end. (Luke 21:24) Sister Berta Obrist remembered how her family often scoffed at her when she told them about a war that was due to occur. “Now stop talking about this 1914!” her grandmother would say angrily. But how surprised and impressed her grandmother was when war really did break out in 1914!
The parents of little Hulda in Schaffhausen just could not believe that a big change in world events would take place in 1914 as an acquaintance repeatedly explained to them from the Bible. But Sister Hulda Peter remembers that her mother was really beside herself when the war did break out.
Watchtower Nov 1, 1986 page 6
For over three decades before 1914, Jehovah’s Witnesses called attention to the significance of this date. Interestingly, however, the book International Crisis, by Eugenia Nomikos and Robert C. North (1976), says that there was “little or no evidence of a steady rise or a ‘snowballing’ of conflicts and tensions leading directly to the outbreak of war.” On the contrary, “by late 1913 and early 1914 . . . relations among the major powers appeared to be more settled than they had been for many years.”
Feb 1, 1986 Watchtower page 5
The 1914 Generation
Referring to “the relatively peaceful and prosperous Victorian age of Great Britain,” former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan said that he considered ‘the world he was born in’ to be one that would get “better and better.” But “suddenly, unexpectedly, one morning in 1914 the whole thing came to an end.” Calling it the end of “100 years of peace and progress,” Macmillan recalled how World War I signaled “the end of an era” and the “start of the confusion that is still happening.” Many others, particularly those who lived through 1914 and are still alive, know this to be true.
Yes, as this magazine has drawn to the attention of its readers over the years, the evidence points to the 1914 generation as the generation spoken of by Jesus. Thus, “this generation will by no means pass away until all these things [including the apocalypse] occur.”
Even though more than 70 years have gone by since 1914, there are still individuals around who lived through that era.
Now, this is a quite concise summary of history leading up to WWI.
Small wonder why WT is again rewriting its past (although it is still passed around verbally).