WT Jan 15, 1985
These loyal subjects of God’s government have no crime problem among themselves,
wt jan 15, 1985. these loyal subjects of god’s government have no crime problem among themselves, .
WT Jan 15, 1985
These loyal subjects of God’s government have no crime problem among themselves,
maybe i have watched too many zombie movies but i would sleep with one eye open, inquire to see what is your favored menu,do you sleep walk, are your body parts functioning properly (i would hate to shake your hand and it fall off).
your wife never married after 10 years and now you are back, can you perform in the marriage bed?
?it would be hard for me to sleep at nights with someone that have been dead for over one year sleeping next to me.
Sterile clones with selective memory wiped. The clones must be 100% obedient to the "prince" elders as to their scheduled work assignment, living assignment, etc.
WT Aug 15, 2015
If we cooperate with those taking the lead today, perhaps finding contentment and joy in new assignments of service, we are likely to have the same attitude in the new world ... Today, of course, we do not know where each one of us may be assigned to live in the new system of things. However, cooperation will bring us contentment and great happiness as we do Jehovah’s will wherever we live on earth at that time.
Sounds exactly like Rutherford's vision of paradise, alright (well, except for when the females are turned into males).
i have a legitimate question and i am not trying to start a fight.
i keep reading that there were 6 child abuse lawsuits that settled for 13 million dollars.
how do people like barbara anderson or jwsurvey or jwfacts come up with this number?
RO is actually asking a legitimate question this time. Knowing the amount of one settlement cannot automatically be extrapolated to the other settlements. Barbara checks in here from time to time - maybe she can answer.
so i've been a lurked on this site for about 15 years, thank goodness for dial up internet.... anyway my fade has been working off and on for that long but my whole family is still in including my kid.
at this point i have started dating a worldly person.
he is wiling to put onthe facade of being a witness so i don't have to lose my family.
Whether he is a "worldly person" or a zealous Dub, you cannot just date him. Chaperone required, and no sleeping under the same roof.
hey guys!
are there less assemblies in your country or area this year?
i'm noticing trends that they are becoming fewer and fewer.
Saskatoon and Winnipeg usually have one each. This year, none in all of Sask. nor Manitoba. That is a long drive for the prairie faithful.
No doubt some will miss and be turned into salt.
bethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere.
bethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere.
Bethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere
i'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws.. http://fox-news24.com/trump-warns-russia-over-jehovahs-witnesses-ban-and-urges-members-to-seek-asylum-in-the-us/.
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
april 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders and ministerial servants re: kingdom ministry school for the 2018 service year.
those who fancy a day in all male company away from the wife, will be pleased.
Oh, how I hated those sausage parties.