They could do away with the Awake altogether. Other literature items could be scaled back to just cover the publishers and family.
I remember a few years ago trying to guess what steps the WTS would take to cut back on expenses(scaling back the Awake to once a month!). Applying Matt. 24:14 was genius. I never even thought of that route. What a great way to eliminate a wasteful printing program. Tie it into bible prophecy - the r&f will easily fall for that excuse. Plus, it covers over the fact that they are getting killed with their expenses. The jdubs will never know what is really going on. They will simply get all fired up that the work is ending and armageddon is sooo close now!
I wouldn't be surprised if they just used tracts out in service, if they continue to go out in service. I imagine that there will still be some sort of field activity to qualify brothers for work and to keep tabs on the r&f's "faith meter."
Pretty good guessing for 10 years ago.