When you cross a JW with hells angel?
A: Someone who knocks on your door on Sunday mornings and tells you to f**k off!
OK, I'd like to start a "What do you get..." joke thread, any takers?
when you cross a jw with hells angel?.
a: someone who knocks on your door on sunday mornings and tells you to f**k off!.
ok, i'd like to start a "what do you get..." joke thread, any takers?
When you cross a JW with hells angel?
A: Someone who knocks on your door on Sunday mornings and tells you to f**k off!
OK, I'd like to start a "What do you get..." joke thread, any takers?
many of us were once fervent supporters and active members of the wtbs through our local congregations.
when confronted with controversial information while under the influence of the organization, many of us were instantly defensive, dismissive, skeptical and fearful.
we chose to continue believing the leadership knew better than we did and had our best interests at heart, despite any logic, or lack of reason.
"The people are the ultimate guardians of their own liberties. In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy. Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone."
-Thomas Jefferson
"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."
-James Madison
"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning."
-Frederick Douglass
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. "
-William Pitt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin
If only we had a time machine to bring these men back, they'd be bending our leaders over their collective knees for a serious butt-whooping!
hi, just wondered what the jw stance was regarding schizophrenia as a mental illness/demon possession.
would be interested in some real analytical stuff as it is for a nursing assignment and there doesnt seem to be too much literature about the subject - everyone too busy harping on about the blood issue i suppose!!
personally i wouldnt have a tranfusion and it has nothing to do with my religious beliefs.
My mom was schizophrenic, or something like that (she was never diagnosed, but learning about mental illness after leaving the dubs led me to believe she was schizophrenic), and they basically told her that she needed to study and pray more (then she was df'd for smoking, but she was really only self-medicating). Us kids in the family wanted her to seek help, but the dubs discouraged it as "worldly", and basically felt that psychiatry was the tool of Satan. It sad to look back and see that there could have been hope. At least she was freed in death, of illness, and of the JW mentality that kept her ill for so long!!! She died actually believing that Jehovah didn't love her because she was "weak"!!!!
ever notice how the happiest dubs are the one that are clueless?
they think brother circuit overseer is oh so grand, yet in reality he is up for jerk of the year.
they absolutely think everone and everything is wonderful.
Oddly enough, my boyfriends dad is still a dub, and even though they made him step down as an elder for sticking up for his df'd daughter, and he calls all the other elders pharisees, he's still happy in the religion! Go figure!!! Also, he's a very smart man, who loves ol' Jah and thinks the religion itself is good, but also thinks the WTS and the actual people who run it all are a bunch of apostates......once again, go figure!!!
israel must shed its illusions and choose between racist oppression and democracy .
avraham burg.
i have read a number of different materials on this subject,doctrine,teaching,topic and still can't reconcile that a good god would really create a place called hell.
jeremiah 7:31and 19:5 and they have built the high places of tophet,which is in the valley of the son of hinnom,to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire,which i did not command ,nor did it come into my heart.
if burning of sons and daughters never came into god's heart, and god is good and loving,why the teaching of a burning hell-fire as eternal punishment for most of mankind who have no idea about this or the so-called way out of this hell?
I don't believe in Hell. The way I see it, if the whole "the wages of sin is death" thing is true, then when you die, your wages are paid, therefore, you will not be put in "Hell" for your sins. If God truly is love, then he would not do something as unloving as eternal punishment. He would forgive us, any of us, as we are all imperfect.
this is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi yerusalyim, nice to be here! It is kinda like home, isn't it? I still have Xan here to embarass me with nekkid pics, lol!
this is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi Shera, Hi Lady Lee! Oh God Xan, I thought those pics were long lost!!!!!! <groan> But, if you have any recent pics, could you send me one? I'd like to set it as my avatar. Love ya sis! I promise I won't flame ya (unless you deserve it) hahahahha! LOL!
personally i was quite serious at a young age.. there was no "boys will be boys" growing up.
personally i feel kind of cheated out of a childhood by an organization that forced you to think that "everything around you was going to be gone soon so you better grow up, start publishing, and giving talks.
" did any of you experience a less than stellar childhood, especially because of the lack of holidays and socially-isolating religion gowing up?
I was raised a JW from birth, and did not have much of a childhood. I have to say though, it was much worse for my sister (Xandria), as she was older and took the majority of the beatings and such. It got much worse after she left home, but I am so glad she was able to get away from that life. Our life became better, sadly, after my mom died, because my father became essentially paralyzed by depression, so we were left to our own devices. Also, my mom was the main abuser, physically, so that ended along with her life, too. The mental abuse continues to this day, but I am lucky to be away from it. My little brother is still stuck there, as well as my other sister, who is old enough to know better, but still stays in contact with dad. Our childhood consisted mainly of being homeless and regular beatings, under the guise that the world will end any minute now, so we shouldn't be concerned about silly things like eating, or having a home. Even the JW's at our congregations were disgusted by my parents, but they still espoused their views on Jehovah, and felt that they were living the life God wanted them to live. Now perhaps this is being negative, but the truth is that we need to purge these demons, and that "focusing on the positive" is only denial for those of us who haven't yet had a chance to talk to anyone about our personal pain.
and if so, how did you get out, or how are you planning to get out.. thanks.
(((wendy)))) I was married to a verbally and psycologically abusive man for a number of years. One day he turned violent on me, and I told a girlfriend of mine who was single. She helped me packed my bags while he was at work, and she and I got a place together. We actually ended up moving two states away, for her job and for my safety. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just up and go, if it is possible. Material things can be replaced, and new jobs can be found, but your life is too precious to allow some one to harm you. After I moved, I found a great job, went to school and got a career, and met a wonderful man. Don't be afraid to leave all the bad stuff behind and start over!!!!! It is wonderfully freeing!