Stuck...i just started see my councellor. i find it easier to talk with a woman than a man, and she knows who the jwdubs are and she agrees they are a cult. when i found her she targets stuff like life coaching and religion issues. she has been very helpful. they won't solve your problem for you. but, they will give a non judgemental listening ear and advice on what they think might be the best path to take. but, ultimately it boils down to me.
also i am prepping for maybe the enivitible divorce....once i stop going and fully reject the cult. i have already rejected it. right now i am just going thru the motions. my wife has told me she will choose the BORG over me.
i have always given her unconditional love and support...but i guess nothing like the washtowel will give.
well atleast she will get the support and unconditional love she thinks they will give her.
but like i said, i find it easier to talk with a woman and life coach counsellor.
joining this cult was the worse mistake of my life....if i could turn back time!