the way google works is that the site that is most linked to with the searched key words will be first, that's a dumbed down explination of it. If you really want something else to pop up, i would suggest that everyone here open a blog and link to instead...chances are that there are a million different sites pointing to will stay there.
JoinedPosts by RetroTherapy
Ancient and classical beliefs with similarities found in the Bible
by RetroTherapy inancient and classical beliefs with similarities found in the bible.
ive been studying religions and beliefs lately and ive been noting all the similarities they have with the bible.
i havent even scratched the surface with my notes and im nowhere even near learning all of them but i think some of you might find what ive found so far interesting.
I’ve been studying religions and beliefs lately and i’ve been noting all the similarities they have with the bible. I haven’t even scratched the surface with my notes and i’m nowhere even near learning all of them but i think some of you might find what i’ve found so far interesting. I’m sure there are a ton of other things i haven’t come across yet. Sorry there are no sources, these are infact my own personal notes but a quick google search/wikipedia and you’ll be able to see for yourself.
Prehistory - Quechua Indians:
Spirits and land must be fed with blood and fat (sacrifice)
Prehistory - Maori:
Death did not exist in the beginning of the world, was brought in by sin (death was brought in by an act of incest)
44,000 BCE - Xam San:
unseen forces at work.
10,000 BCE - Ainu:
spirits are immortal.
Most important spirits are gods.
If we treat the god's good, gods will provide food ( do good and god will reward)
10,000 BCE - Sami:
supernatural beings control the world
2270 BCE - Ancient Babylonians:
The god Marduk kills goddess Tiamar and makes all other god’s accept him as king. (hierarchy of gods and men, only one powerful god over all other gods)
2000 BCE - Ancient Egyptians:
Osiris will judge us and our hearts will be weighed against our sins. if we are judged worthy, we will enjoy everlasting life.
Resurrection in paradise.
3000 BCE - Baiga:
humans were made from the earth.
3000 BCE - Chewong:
If you are being bad, violent or competitive, you will receive supernatural repercussions.
1400 BCE- Ancient Minoans and Mycenaeans:
Mother goddess gave birth to a divine son.
1400 BCE - Zoroastrians:
First monotheistic faith (belief in the existence of one god)
The creator is wholly good, represents order and truth.
both good and evil can be seen in the world.
there exist a wholly evil being.
800 BCE - Ancient Romans:
God’s take interest in domestic and public affairs.
Spirit gods act as our guardians.
800 BCE- Shinto:
The world was created by the gods at the beginning of heaven and earth.
600 BCE - Mahavira:
Five vows of non violence, truth-telling, chastity, non-stealing and non attachment.
600 BCE - Confucius:
Heaven is the source of moral order.
Order is maintained by goodness.
3rd century CE - Aztec, Mayan, and other Mesoamerican peoples:
We owe the gods a debt for life which is of blood. (human sacrifice)
8th century CE - Vikings:
Catastrophe and violence will signal the beginning of the end.
The barrier between worlds of the living and the dead will be breached.
In a mighty conflict the gods themselves will die.
The sun turns black, earth sinks into the sea, the bright stars vanish from the sky.
In the twilight of the gods, the whole world will be destroyed.
A new world will arise with new hope for humanity.
Rumor: New light comes from outside marketing consultants
by Londo111 inthis is a rumor i heard back in november, it comes to me third or fourth-hand.
feel free to poke holes.
i have many doubts about this myself.
i think this is wishful thinking, would make a lovely story however all signs point to just theory on this one and not a very good one at that.
420/Marijuana/Mary Jane - What Is The Society's Stance Now That It's Legal In Two States?
by Sam Whiskey insorry if it's already been discussed (i did do a search and did not see anything recent) here on the board.
now that 420 has been legalized in washington and colorado, what is the society's stance on this?
is it viewed the same as alcohol, taken in moderation?
to my understanding, it would not be allowed to smoke it.