I have watch this video several times and find it very interesting. The problem with dating methods is the wide margin between minimum and maximum ages. The use of diatom dating to me seems to be the most sensible and gives a minimum date of 80k for this site. The date of 400k is a maximum date derived from the dating method that measures daughter properties of uranium decay involving hydrogen atoms.
It shouldn't surprise us that information and even facts can be suppressed by powerful institutions for their own agendas, protecting their "status quo" so to speak. After all, haven't most of us have experienced that to some degree in our own lives?
As far as the Brahmic Veda connection, at least it was no where mention in the film and I doubt that can be tied to any of the original archaeologist at the site as a motive for their work. One thing for sure is that this site has been shut down by powerful entities who are not concerned about the story these artifacts tell.
Even at original dates of 20k for the artifacts (60's scientific technology) flies in the face of mankind being only 6k old.