1) How long have you been a fader for?
7 years
2) How often do you still get pressure from congregation members and/or family to return as an active witness?
once or twice a year from members I run into aside from work (work with several dubs and no pressure there)
3) What is the longest period you have ever known anyone to successfully fade? A successful fade in my view, would be someone who has faded for a period of time but no longer receives any pressure to return to active service (completely left alone).
I know several over 20 years, this question should be reversed to "shortest successful fade?"
4) If you have been a fader for more than two years, do you fear you would eventually have to face DA or DF?
No... that is easily avoided
5) As faders, how many of you are being treated as if you were DF'd/DA'd?
Only being treated/avoided as a spiritually weak one.
6) Have you faded rather than DA'd due to the possible loss family or is it because you have no network of friends outside the Org?
For family only, I could care less about "jw friends"
7) If you consider yourself a fader how many meetings/assemblies/ field service groups do you still attend on average per month?
8) As a fader do you feel that the Org is completely powerless over your life?
They still have some power because if I speak my mind to family then I would lose them.