I can relate, when I first left Wally World I thought a lot about lost friends and family and the need for social life and community. The farther away in time the less you think about that and the clearer you see how messed up that whole world is. Then when you get even farther away you don’t really think at all about that world. You will find yourself in a much richer, happier community. Heck, you have such a broader selection of people to choose as friends and family. YOU get to choose! You just may find friends and family that are closer, more loyal and definitely less judgmental than any you have ever had.
JoinedPosts by DisArmed
Zoom Memorial
by gabcol inwell i did it.. i attended the zoom memorial ( in respect for my mum).
it was very strange to say the least.
everyone had bread and wine at their houses.
Midweek Meeting looooooooong prayers.
by Davros inone thing that aggravates me is long concluding prayers, especially at the midweek meeting.
you work all day, rush home, grab a quick bite, dress up in meeting clothes.
then, go to the meeting.
Reminds me of a pretentious C.O. who would bend over at the waist during prayer. If I had to do again I would have asked WTF?
Impeachment hearings ...
by mikeflood inwatched a little bit the famous impeachment hearings....the witness sometimes when they were put on oath were with a smiled in their faces, others insecure, and the rest rightly totally outraged.... i turned it off.
too much time on the media for nothing.
it's like the russian thing didn't work to oust trump, and now ukraine maybe.
Fodder for the 24 hour media machines. I didn’t realize how insignificant their audiences are until I saw a recent ratings tabulation. In relative terms, Sean Hannity (less than 3 million) and his CNN rival, Anderson Cooper, (less than 1 million) don’t have significant numbers of viewers, not nearly the audience I would have thought. Their respective networks are making a living on this unwatchable crap that they spoon feed to their insignificant fanatics.
Preparing the sheeple for finally abandoning the significance of 1914
by under the radar inwe all know the society would love to get rid of all the problems caused by clinging to 1914 and all they claimed it meant for the last 100+ years.. it looks like they are laying the groundwork for easing away from the whole concept of 1914. this would also let them do away with the ridiculous "overlapping generation" bullcrap.
what a diaper load that has been.... anyway, the following is from their super secret marching orders for april, 2019. draw your own conclusions.... "3.
“100 years of faithfulness”: the coordinator of the body of elders, or another elder, should be invited to read the following special announcement.
Seems a lot of people are still trying to legitimize their departure. Whenever there is an a-ha told you so post, so many reactions. If 1914 was ever abandoned, the entire religion crumbles. Forget this cult, go live life!
Do You Think The Bible Teaches A Trinity As Religions Teach?
by minimus ini’m not asking whether you believe in the bible.
i just want your opinion as to whether you think the bible teaches it.
i don’t, for what it’s worth..
Never think about it anymore and couldn’t care less.
by Freedom rocks indoes anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
Through the centuries every question you, I or anyone can think of has been asked. Many have never been answered and never will be. When I finally realized that I should not remotely think that I would be the special one to find the answers I could relax and just enjoy this short little journey called life. We will always have questions and they are fun and interesting to ponder and discuss but don’t let them take over your life and enjoyment. No one has all the answers, not even Cofty (wink wink). Once you can come to grips with some questions never being answered you can move forward. Good luck with your journey.
Miss America and Misguided Views on Sexuality
by Simon inso miss america pageant is going to remove the swimsuit and evening gown parts of their pageant because they have decided it's demeaning to women.
i guess it will just be women in overcoats telling us they want world peace .... bravo, we all applaud, right?
maybe we shouldn't be so quick to do so .... what is it really saying?
It has been years since I have seen a Miss America, Miss USA, Miss World/Universe. Am I mistaken or didn’t this happen with one of those before? Took away swimsuit competition only to reinstate later?
And let me state for the record. Tall, beautiful, tanned, young women in tiny bathing suits parading on stage for every one to see and judge...I am totally, completely and 100% FOR that!! 👠👙😎😃
Did You Care About The Royal Wedding?
by minimus ini don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
It always fascinates me. The whole monarchy with its rules, protocol and traditions. With all the rationale for it not to exist in the modern world it seems to have its place. It almost seems there is a need for some to have such an institution. Why keep it? I don’t know but I hope they do.
Try this on a JW
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthis is not intended to expose wrong teachings etc, just to promote thinking and asking questions.. 1) ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin.
jw will answer yes.. 2) ask if satan is imperfect then.. 3) sit back and watch them try to work out what the right answer should be.. sf.
Come on Saltheart,
Little can be stated to a JW that would be so thought provoking that they start to question their faith. That type of questioning comes from within ones own psyche. It appears that you have framed this OP in such a way to be able to state your own special profound question.
10 years on.....
by snare&racket ini was a window cleaner, i was at the time unemployed, homeless.
i had no education to be proud of (high school one a two b's rest c's) i was a jehovahs witness.
i had been a pioneer.
Thanks, Snare
Just goes to show what we can accomplish post Wally World if we move forward and don't obsess over what is currently going on there.