@galaxie of course not. Overhere we have at least 20 national tv stations that compete with eachother. That means that every station has just a small share of all viewers and it means that only a small share of viewers would be reached.
Secondly who says that the 30 second clip would get their attention?
During this first two weeks i already heard a lot of my non-jw aquaintances talking about getting this JW.ORG tract. Most of them got it at their doorstep instead of in the mailbox. This means it got their attention 100%,.. someone in person showed up and gave it to them accompanied with some friendly words. Much more impact than a 30 second clip.
Besides getting a 30second clip on air in 239 countries during prime time would be a waste of a lot of money. This campaign does not go on for 30 seconds but 30 days,.. 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week on many loacations around the world.
Its a brilliant move