@village i became a witness myself in 2009 through door to door work. One older lady (56 years old), a cathloic, became a biblestudent because of my witnessing work, she is attending weekly meetings and actively participating in the WT study and is making progress towards baptism.
She was one of those on my monthly magazine route. The first time that i visited her was in the summer of 2013. At that time she was very opposed to JW's and her house was litterally full of Maria and Saint statues. She had drawers full of icons and rosaries.
Every time i was patient and friendly and we had a short conversation. After twelve months or so she became more receptive. i often asked her about her catholic services and sermons. And asked her if she would be interested to hear a public talk on mp3.
She said yes. She was impressed by the public talk. The subject was honesty. She said... 'It was really about the bible!' and decided to type the whole talk on her laptop. Not long after that she agreed to visit a KH once. She was amazed how she was welcomed by everyone and how much the bible was used during the talk and that all people were really reading and studying and that even youngsters and kids were participating and that everyone knew eachothers names. And there was no one asking for money
few months later she had thrown all the maria/holy stuff out.... removed the icons from the frames and replaced with family pictures and wrote herself out of the catholic administration.
Now she is coming every sunday , is a weekly biblestudent. Another married couple (both members of an evangelical church) are bible students. I also met them through door to door work. And a younger man is studying with me but i met him through informal witnessing