JoinedTopics Started by tepidpoultry
Jws banned from further suing doctors
by tepidpoultry inhttps://articles.pennlive.com/news/2017/07/court_nixes_lawsuit_by_family.amp.
if a jw gets drunk on an occasion, he could get a pass if it was in private, if however in public there's a much greater chance of disfellowshipping as the sin has now "maligned the reputation of the congregation".
i got this through michael sherlock's fb page, he likes to expose religious nuts,.
Find points of agreement with your Householderâ„¢ :)
by tepidpoultry inyes!
we too believe in paradise and that god will destroy all our enemies!
How Long Out Before They leave You Alone
by tepidpoultry inmany years ago i met an older man in the ministry who told me he was a baptized jw years ago, when i met him he was an alchoholic and had girlfriends, i told the elders, two came by and they told me to treat him as a regular worldly guy, my question is (i know this is a fuzzy area) about how much time needs to go by before someone (me for instance) would be looked upon as a non jw worldly person?.
Mother' Day
by tepidpoultry inall hail ishtar mother of tammuz!.
the real reason for which mother's day was invented!.
(now you know :) ).
Oh God(s)!
by tepidpoultry inmeant to hopefully get your mind off the craziness which we sadly refer to as the news these days,.
we'll call this one .
fun for seculars.
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
good books on critical thinking
by tepidpoultry inhi, wanting to improve my thinking.
thanks, tepid..
request suggestions
by tepidpoultry inwhat can i tell my 5yr old grandson as to why i do not attend meetings anymore?
my reasons are (among others) the insanity of armageddon.
at the last meeting that i attended the travelling bro compared gehazi's sin (for which his progeny down to great grandchildren were stricken with leprosy) with materialism.. thanks..