"Evidently" confirmation bias can make you believe whatever you want to, Nitty-Gritty.
In my direct observation and experience, elders have had to go rogue from what the legal and service department were telling them in order to keep pedophiles from grooming children right inside the KH.
Really. Legal said "keep watching him and warn the parents." The parents are idiots who let this guy hug and kiss their kids, constantly, during the meeting. As if after doing that all of our hands would be tied until there's an accusation. I gained a lot of respect for the COBE when he lost patience with this and threatened the man so strongly he was "stumbled" and didn't come to a meeting for 6 months. Now he's at 1 of 3 meetings and minds his p's and q's.
In this case, wishful thinking and a waiting attitude didn't get things done. Acting according to one's conscience did.