It's very powerful reporting. Damning of the policies they follow.
I'm uploading to youtube (should be available soon), should anyone not be able to listen to this via the BBC.
the report about child abuse and jehovah's witnesses is now live.. jehovah's witnesses handle child abuse cases.
jehovah's witnesses and child sexual abuse, the report - bbc radio 4 .
It's very powerful reporting. Damning of the policies they follow.
I'm uploading to youtube (should be available soon), should anyone not be able to listen to this via the BBC.
did you know that the wtbts applied for these compensation funds?
i had no idea and if this has already been addressed then so be it.
i find it interesting due to the fact that so much is made of the jws being in camps during ww2 and nothing else is expressed about the other millions who died in these camps.
From what I recall, it was for both themselves as an organisation and to help JWs who'd suffered too. Both were within the terms of various holocaust compensation schemes. I'd question some of the things they suggest in that letter of application (asking to be considered as heirs for those who died without them, and the educational aspect I'd be concerned about given their exceptionally narrow focus), but they were banned, probably did suffer losses as an organisation which would entitle them to some compensation etc.
I just hope that their arrangements for survivors has never put inappropriate suggestions to those in receipt of compensation just for signposting them to it. There were complaints over the secrecy not permitting proper monitoring of what was happening.
(NB: note that the JWs didn't give a stuff if you'd suffered because of being a JW but were no longer one in the early 2000s....)
i have noted that the main problem for those who are seduced by the watchtower society is their ignorance about the bible itself.
people who believe that the bible is the word of god usually ignore the studies on textual criticism and how scientific criteria forbid absurd stories like that of the global flood.
so, i strongly believe that students in schools need at least an obligatory course on "the bible" through the point of view of science and the textual criticism.
i have noted that the main problem for those who are seduced by the watchtower society is their ignorance about the bible itself.
people who believe that the bible is the word of god usually ignore the studies on textual criticism and how scientific criteria forbid absurd stories like that of the global flood.
so, i strongly believe that students in schools need at least an obligatory course on "the bible" through the point of view of science and the textual criticism.
If you treat the bible as one would any other ancient text, it's fairly profitable. There's a lovely breakdown of logic in the view that "the bible is accurate because parts of it have been supported by archaeology". Well, yes. It's the parts which aren't supported which tend to be the big ones though - creation myths, flood sagas and dead men coming back to life. It's of little surprise that around the time a scribal tradition arose in the community of exiled Jews that things get into synch with the histories of other nations. One is also tempted to see the mythologies of at least one nation entering into the Jewish origin myths (eg creation cycle, flood saga, Moses' birth etc.). It's fairly amusing to see the same story, when on a Babylonian tablet, identified as myth but when found in Jewish tales claimed as literal truth.
I think it's difficult to put this into schools in countries where there are strong faith traditions which will push against anything which is directly highlighting problems within the beliefs of a particular religion. There shouldn't be room, however, for children to leave school without at least being shown the scientific evidence for the origins of life. History has a hard enough time getting adequate time on the curriculum here (and is subject to all kinds of political interventions and directives in any case), so I can't see how one could shoehorn that into a packed schedule. Overall, isn't the best thing to do to ensure that children are equipped to use their brains and be critical in the information they believe? A general approach seems best suited - whether to understand how marketing works or how to research the beliefs of a religion or even how to look past the headlines. One could almost link it in with the similar subset of skills used to critique a text.
anthony morris 3rd delivered the broadcast this month and advised that lies are circulated that they let children die rather than have medical care .
he says this is so inaccurate as to be a boldfaced lie ...... further he says it is "up to the parents to determine what would be the best treatment for their children" .
now, does this mean that parents are really free to make a decision to accept blood for their minor child, if they so choose?
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
june 28, 2015 .
nows the time to end tax exemptions for religious institutions.
From a British perspective, I'd be very much in favour of a much tighter restriction on charitable status being given to religions. I really do not think that 'preaching' should automatically count as a 'public good'. Maintaining a listed building (as JWs do in eg Manchester), should give some exemptions. And those religions which do offer charitable works should of course get an exemption or be able to have those parts of the religion listed as charities in their own right. In effect, push the charitable aspects away from the religious parts as much as possible. Many religions do this already.
The Plymouth Brethren case here in Britain has already indicated that there is some appetite to look at the idea of 'public good' more broadly. I'd like to see it pushed further, although I think it is an unlikely scenario here without really looking at the role of religion in British society. We still effectively have a state religion after all.
sir david eady sitting as high court judge will hand down judgement tomorrow at 11:00am in the appeal of the decision from master leslie for refusing to strike out the claim as an abuse of process.
in his judgement in november 2014 he stated in his judgement delivered ex-tempore " i am bound to say that this case causes me a good deal of trouble".
from notes that i have from the hearing last week, i will be utterly surprised if the retired judge sir david eady takes a different view.
sir david eady sitting as high court judge will hand down judgement tomorrow at 11:00am in the appeal of the decision from master leslie for refusing to strike out the claim as an abuse of process.
in his judgement in november 2014 he stated in his judgement delivered ex-tempore " i am bound to say that this case causes me a good deal of trouble".
from notes that i have from the hearing last week, i will be utterly surprised if the retired judge sir david eady takes a different view.
Did the WBTS really try to claim they could re-define the meaning of the word 'fraud' so it wouldn't be defamatory? Just too funny. They keep turning up to British courts thinking they're in the US and that the word 'religion' grants some automatic immunity from being made to answer in court.
Can't imagine the pressures on Mr.Otuo as he does this himself. All the best to him really as he seeks answers and closure.
my spies tell me that they are getting shown videos very regularly at the 2 day convention(tm).. i figured it may be because the wbt$ wants mass indoctrination using their tried and tested propaganda techniques.. the average elder won't be aware that the wbt$ uses these thought reform techniques so will be incapable of using them himself.
also, the elder might not put the money grabbing, 1984 ministry of truth spin on things and actually say something good instead.
we know the wbt$ don't like 'good'!