Posts by Raton
Watchtower examination
by Ignoranceisbliss ini have been really enjoying the new series of videos on youtube by "watchtower examination".
the dude is wicked smart.
just curious if he is a member on this forum?.
Real EVIL - the Watchtower and the Nazis. Blood.
by Focus innazi ss chief himmler was an admirer of the jehovah's witnesses:.
according to rudolf hoess, commandant of auschwitz, ss chief heinrich himmler often used the 'fanatical faith" of jehovah's witnesses as an example to his own ss troops.
* described negroes as degenerate, degraded, servile {wt jul 15 1902 p215}.
marked for later. ty.
by Laika ini had my first real birthday party yesterday.
call me an irredeemable pagan, but i was massively excited about this, the whole thing was very special, i got a little emotional and i think my friends must have found it a little strange but it was just nice to be creature worshipped.
when i was a child my parents always used to tell people i didn't miss out by not celebrating my birthday but i did miss out.
What happens if you do celebrate a birthday while still in? Also, Happy Birthday!!!!!!
by hildebrando inall classes, all questions, all anwers, all 9 subject!
all leaked for do in spanish!.
Watchtower 1974 says Jehovah will destroy and disfellowship FAT brothers!!! Half my Cong.
by Witness 007 inbethel writer see's a fatty bethelite take the last bread roll at lunch...should he vent his feelings thru jehovahs holy watchtower magazine...why not!!.
watchtower 1974p.167 " over indulging in food....he fails to show love for jehovah food a big thing in his life?
does he selfishly ignore others needs and take more then his share?
Awesome post. I get to learn something new everyday on this forum. Thanks.
Take advantage of the " search "option at the top of your screen,a wealth of information is already their for you to digest
by smiddy ini think a lot of us fail to realise what a great tool , the search option is, and how valuable it can be to newbies to quickly find answers to what they are looking for , but not only newbies , long time posters seem to forget how easy an answer to a question can be obtained simply by using the search option for a question you want answered straight away.. this topic was inspired by a long time poster asking a question that i remembered being discussed some time back and within a minute using the search option i had the answer to his question.. i , myself am only now , really appreciating the benefits of this service , i hope you do also .. smiddy.
When DOT helped me by posting a link from previous topics I realized I should also be using the search above. I appreciated the help and will still ask questions but will also continue to use search.
1914 vs 2014
by ILoveTTATT init's amazing to examine the watchtower of 1914 now in 2014... 100 years later.. .
here are some of my comments on the watchtower of 1914:.
second article in january 1st.
I was told by my wife that the Bible Students did become JWs. Is there any good evidence out there that I can use to show this isn't true? Is it in any of the WTs? I am also starting to look on my own. I guess it is proof enought that the bible students still have their own separate religion. Looking at right now and it looks like they have several articles about JWs.
All that Money
by Crazyguy inits amazing that they preach that the world is about to come to an end so soon but they won't spend a dime of their own money to get the message out.. i mean think about it, a couple years back a california preacher with less than 100k followers and about 100 millions dollars was able to get his message out that the world was coming to an end in 2012 and people heard about his message globally.
the org on the other hand sold over a billion dollars worth of real estate and hasn't spent a dime to get its message out.
all the halls were built with the local brothers contributions same can be said of circuit assembly and branch sites.
I assume there isn't, but is there any proof that the org doesn't financially help local halls and about how much they made selling real estate? I completely believe you, but if there is something more solid, it may come in useful in the future. I will also search on this stuff myself. You made a good point, thanks.
1914 vs 2014
by ILoveTTATT init's amazing to examine the watchtower of 1914 now in 2014... 100 years later.. .
here are some of my comments on the watchtower of 1914:.
second article in january 1st.
I only started going through these recently but the section where he talks about if he should pay his bills or not made me laugh.
Unbiased sources for research
by PrincessCynic incan anyone point me in the direction of unbiased (or outside) sources for research.
i'm particularly interested in anything showing the teachings or russell and rutherford and proof of what the wts society was teaching in 1919?.
i don't want to direct my friend to an apostate site..
get the WT pdfs. use control F and search for what you want. I am doing that now for the year 1914. I am still searching in the 1880s and have a ways to go to get to today.