Yet many know that top leadership hate to participate in the house-to-house ministry!
Posts by Pinku
"Leeches that are never satisfied!"
by stuckinarut2 inthis random thought came to mind:.
proverbs 30:15 "leeches cry out 'give, give' and are never satisfied, or never say 'enough'".
how true this is of the gb and the organisation!.
Caleb and Sophia visit Bethel for the last time - Photo Gallery
by processor in.
.. .. .. .
.. .. .. .
It's too wonderful--what a dynamism you displayed!
Why was such a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT thing as Internet not foretold in the Bible?
by Pinku injws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
Armageddon is only a few weeks away...
by Calebs Airplane in"which generation is this?
why, the one that saw the beginning of fulfillment of jesus prophecy.
that means people alive in the year 1914. how many remain?
Bible prophecy has an interesting aspects--whatever happens in the world fulfills prophecy.
If the lawlessness increases, it fulfills the end-of-the-world prophecy found in Mathew Chapter 24.
If people are leading a normal life doing things such as " eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage" (Mathew 24:37), even this would fulfill the end-of-the-world prophecy!
Why was such a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT thing as Internet not foretold in the Bible?
by Pinku injws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
JWs claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the International Year for Peace was foretold in the Bible.
This raises the question: Why was such a GREAT thing as Internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the Bible? With Internet and TV the world has become literally a global village!
If Jesus were sent into this world at this time, just a few days of his ministry (filled with miracles like resurrecting a four-days old dead man) would have been watched LIVE by everyone on earth through TV and Internet, and who could have afforded to reject him? All those untoward events (such as killing of Jesus, persecution of Christians, interpolations of the Bible, great apostasy resulting into thousands of warring sects, all the wars fought between Christians ….) could have been avoided!!! He has to be sent to earth anyway; why can’t that be at a time when the maximum result could have EASILY been accomplished? Could not the world have been transformed into a paradise within a very short period of time?
Did Paul really write: I do not do the good I want to do, . What a miserable man I am?
by Pinku inwhose thoughts are expressed in romans?
gods, pauls, recorders, or of some interpolators?
(romans 1:5) how can he do that if he himself is not obedient, a miserable man?
Whose thoughts are expressed in Romans? God’s, Paul’s, recorder’s, or of some interpolator’s? Could it be that all of them may have contributed to the letter? Interestingly, in Romans 16:21, 22 two voices are heard. That may be treated as something insignificant. Yet sudden change in the tone of voice in the key issues is note-worthy. For example, the lion-hearted Paul reflected in Romans Chapter 1 (especially from verses 20 through chapter 2) metamorphoses into a “miserable man” in chapter 7 (verses 19, 24). This does not befit the kind of person Apostle Paul is! He identifies himself as one appointed “to call all the Gentiles to the obedience.” (Romans 1:5) How can he do that if he himself is not obedient, “a miserable man”? The fact is that that he was obedient 100%, and had more than enough power within himself even ‘to empower others’ (Romans 1:11). Hence weakening verses found in chapter seven may have been a later interpolation to get the “ears tickled.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
He says people simply CHOOSE to do what is right or what is wrong. (Romans 2:6-8) Thus he is fully aware of the powerful secret of life: Write your destiny with your hands. Thus he means we have such potential, such power that we can write or rewrite our destiny! All we need to know is what we want to do with our lives!
Through the introductory two chapters, Paul seems to convey this: We have God’s qualities displayed in the creation like a light-house; we are filled with immense potential. Life too is always giving us more energy: the more we use our forces, the more we grow. When we limit it to pursuing self-centered ideas, we find ourselves in disharmony with ourselves and others, and experience resistance from nature, we become tired fast. Ego eats lots of energy.
On the contrary, life is so beautiful, when you are moving in the right direction (taking others also into consideration), with the spirit of adventure and joy. Concern for others is rooted in light. Light is altruistic through and through. Altruism is the very heart of light. Light cannot be outwitted; it can only be followed. You feel good, want to live more, want to work more, you don’t want to take rest! That is how you can make your life, design your destiny, and make your destiny. You feel purposeful. It is all in your hands. Ignore energy-draining verses such as ‘I-am-a-miserable man.’ What happens inside a being is what is reality; external manifestations are only its reflection. When we change the real, reflection will automatically change.
Paul tells us to take lessons from creation. Even in the midst of a storm an eagle will not feel “what a miserable bird I am.” When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can soar above the storm. It is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them!
Do you like the people in the Bible?
by Dis-Member inthe society always speaks about all the wonderful people and characters in the bible.. they always too speak of many of them as being so humble, faithful, loyal, diligent, loving, kind, wise, merciful etc, and worthy of imitation.
also of how god blessed them followed by endless examples and reasons why we today should imitate them.. .
they also speak of how wonderful it would be to meet some of these people in the future 'new system' and have often depicted scenes where the the survivors of armageddon would be gathered around some ancient resurrected faithful asking them questions and listening to their stories of times past.
I would like to meet king Solomon, and will inform him that he was being referred to as Solomon the wise. I am sure he would respond: "This is the greatest joke a human being can hear on earth--me having increased the burden of people when they asked to reduce it, me having increased the number of wives and concubines more than any one who is incurably romantic ..... me having ....being called THE WISE
Egoism, nationalism and shunning are all one
by Pinku inbible contrasts egoism with spirituality.
(galatians 5:25, 26) another famous scripture calls it as mental disease as egoist acts against the known facts and an ocean of experience.
when one makes entry into this world, he depends on others, does so even more during his infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
This is what makes life interesting! What I said reminded you of Hinduism, and what you said reminds me of Christianity:
“Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mathew 16:24)
“Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21)
Are we imperfect from birth?
by Pinku inare we imperfect from birth?.
there may be some scriptures that say we are imperfect from birth because of (fictitious) adams sin.
such verses make no sense like many other prima-facie meaningless verses such as joshua 10:13; isaiah 40:26; john 3:13;11:26 ........ however, there are scriptures that say we are capable of displaying perfection which is already within us.
Egoism, nationalism and shunning are all one
by Pinku inbible contrasts egoism with spirituality.
(galatians 5:25, 26) another famous scripture calls it as mental disease as egoist acts against the known facts and an ocean of experience.
when one makes entry into this world, he depends on others, does so even more during his infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Bible contrasts egoism with spirituality. (Galatians 5:25, 26) Another famous scripture calls it as “mental disease” as egoist acts against the known facts and an ocean of experience. When one makes entry into this world, he depends on others, does so even more during his infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Then he thrives on the service of the society during adulthood, and falls into dependency during his old-age, and departs from this world leaving behind everything he thought he owned. Yet during the time he lived on this earth, he was ruled by the thought: “I am somebody & more important than others, I accomplished this and that and I am the owner of this and that, others are there for being used for my goal, I won’t tolerate anyone disagreeing with me, hence will have to shun him ….….” And this sort of collective thinking is fondly called nationalism [the fuel that runs the ALMIGHTY arms industry] which Albert Einstein called “an infantile disease and the measles of mankind.” Thus sense has become non-sense, and non-sense has become sense!
What is the solution?
NO SOLUTION, and God too will not intervene! World will end with a world war and civil wars. Till then if any individual wants to enjoy his life, he can. The more selfless one becomes the happier he will be--the validity of which could be found out by anybody who is willing to experiment it!