Okay, in repsonse to the question "Why would two homosexuals want to be married in a church that does not approve of homosexuality"?, I would lke to pass on a theory that I heard on a popular radio program. And let me also say up front that I am neither homosexual nor christian, so I don't have a dog in this fight!
If a church does not want to perform a marriage ceremony for a homosexual couple, there are plenty of churches that will gladly do so. So, why doesn't the couple in question merely go to one of the churches that will?
There is a small segment of the homosexual community that is decidedly militant in their politics. Their purpose in targeting specific churches is to bring them down and put them out of business. By yelling DISCRIMINATION and asking them to do something that they know very well is against their beliefs, they want to drive them out of business.
Now, before anybody goes insulting me or calling me names, again, I just want to let you know that I am passing along what I heard. I don't know if it is true or not. It is a very popular radio show, someone else reading this may have heard it also!