When was the last time you went to a meeting? The Elders are becoming mentally challenged, they do not know the Bible or the Watchtower's literature because they are not taking time to study. I had another brother tell me, "Why should we waste our time reading books like Revelation because you know their going to change everything except core doctrines and even those are subject to review!'
JoinedPosts by BucketShopBill
November 2014 WT - Points out the fact that Knorr supported false teachings.
by objectivetruth in- it's amazing to track the confusion and stupidity contained in wt articles.
- in only one watchtower you can find multiple contradictory statements, and representations of truth that are simply lies made up on the fly.
- as an example the nov,15 2014 wt has the following quotes : -.
I wonder if they disfellowshipped this guy
by kneehighmiah inhttp://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/trial-halted-after-man-accused-7659735.
Was he on his way to meeting or Field Service when the accident occured? What if he decided to stay home instead of attending Meeting or Field Service, would he have had bad luck?
IRAN and Syria Join the Fight Against ISIL and ISIS! Russia too!
by BucketShopBill inthe powers that funded isis would be the next logical leaders to topple if they are not stopped.
syria learned the hard way, syria gave weapons to fight against the west's (cia sponsored muslims) screwed up anti-syria's government troops.
isis in return started to march towards allepo killing men, women and children that refused to convert to their animalistic cult.
The powers that funded ISIS would be the next logical Leaders to topple if they are not stopped. Syria learned the hard way, Syria gave weapons to fight against the West's (CIA Sponsored Muslims) screwed up Anti-Syria's Government troops. ISIS in return started to march towards Allepo killing men, women and children that refused to convert to their animalistic cult. Syria has lost several thousand troops as ISIS try's to kill off their benefactors, Syria's leader learned the hard way, ISIS has no loyalty to anyone.
Iran warned the United States and European Countries that the US was funding terrorists, now IRAN has joined the fight against ISIS. Earlir this year there were a estimated 100,000+ Iranian Republican Guard Troops providing help against ISIS inside the Kurdish areas of Iraq.
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, UK, Syria are now wanting to destroy ISiS, why? Do you think they will unite the world to elimante a threat if not destroyed could turn the Middle East back backwards of five hundred years?
Westboro Baptists to Protest ISIS
by JeffT inget some popcorn, this might be entertaining.. .
What are the American Muslims doing to respond to ISIS, when all Hell was busting lose they did nothing! Iran earlier this year sent troops to help the Kurds and now is adding more forces as we speak. The United States has been having secret meetings with Iran and Syria's leader to destroy ISIS! Interesting how the groups that backed ISIS would be the next targets on ISIS and ISILs list, they stabbed Syria's President in the back by killing 200 troops of their friends!
Iran had previously sent 100,000 members of the Elite Guard inside Kurdish controled regions, US and UK Muslims are sitting on their asses while ten different variations of Muslims are getting slaughtered. Now Syria has figured out they can regain some ground by killing off the group that betrayed them and look good to the West. Senator Paul Ryan warned the US they would be putting weapons in the hands of a group worse than Al caida, now we are watching history as Iran joins the fight to exterminate ISIS. The Islamic World is unifying to destroy the abomination of Islam!
What has the Watchtower done? They are the first to cry out to the United Nations and OSCE when they feel persecuted, at leat the Westborro Bow wows are doing something.
I had an encounter today...
by lriddle80 inso, i had an unexpected encounter with a jw today.
she was the caregiver who came to work to relieve me and she pulled out a jw.org tract and i told her i knew all about it because my family were part of it and i see it everywhere on their fb.
i, without thinking about the consequences, told her that i used to be one and now go to a baptist church.
Perry, have you ever posted your story how you became a Christian after leaving the publishing company that try's to hide the glorious name of Jesus Christ?
Iriddle, in the eyes of die-hard Jehovah's Witness, there is no acceptable way to worship God if your not using the Governing Body as your Intercessor. As shown by many of the Ex-Watchtower Thinkers(they have posted the Watchtower writers equating unconditional obedience to the magazine as worship of God!) they are now elevating the Watchtower's words with God-the-Father in a most sneaky and sinister fashion. You did great with all your apologetics, great job my friend! I use to argue, debate and read all the WTs works from 1960 Bound Volumes to 2004 when something stopped sounding right. My first trip was reading Greg Stafford departure from the Organization, I was shocked a man who I loved as a brother and friend, along with other of his JW friends lost our WMD! Lies abound that Greg tried to start his own church, that's far from the truth, Greg is like you, his head started to spin because he could not believe he tried to defend a religion that's not defendable, doctrines they produce are conjecture!
I appreciated you calmness, you well know JWs get angry when you put them on the spot, when I first started using the name of Jesus Christ my sister accused me of apostasy! My mother who has never shared any Bible thoughts with my kids was quick to hear my children use the name of Jesus Christ and she started to panic. What is so deadly about the name of Jesus Christ that it scares JWs? The Bible is the "two edged sword", if God does not want us to use Jesus Christ's name, than why did he honor his Son with the highest reward posible?
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name" Phil 2:9
Matthew 28:18
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.John 17:11
I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.
John 17:12
While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.
Acts 2:33
Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.
Ephesians 1:10
to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment--to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
Ephesians 1:21
far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
2 Thessalonians 1:12
We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 1:9
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy." -
Pedophile Elder Is Harassing Victims His Victims, What Can they do?
by BucketShopBill ini have proof the elder molested two victims, can i make brochures and blanket his home and neighbors with his confession?
he lives in a mexican area (gang bangers who hate chomos) with a high amount of hispanic families, will this help expose him?
the elders have warned me to keep my mouth shut about his pedophila but this pedophile keeps hanging around his victims and think's because he was saved by the statue of limitations, he's home free.
I have proof the elder molested two victims, can I make brochures and blanket his home and neighbors with his confession? He lives in a Mexican area (Gang Bangers who hate Chomos) with a high amount of Hispanic families, will this help expose him? The Elders have warned me to keep my mouth shut about his pedophila but this Pedophile keeps hanging around his victims and think's because he was saved by the Statue of Limitations, he's home free.
The Watchtower removed him not for pedophila, it was something really stupid and deflected to protect them.
Why are so many JW's smug & phony?
by NoMoreHustle inin my 20 years of being in this cult i was always struck at how alot of ones in my immediate hall never really talked to me or tried to get to know me.
i know it is a two way street & i always tried to rbe nice & polite to everyone.
i am shy person but i went beyond what i was comfortable with in trying to be likeable!.
In my 20 years of being in this cult I was always struck at how alot of ones in my immediate hall never really talked to me or tried to get to know me. I know it is a two way street & i always tried to rbe nice & polite to everyone. I am shy person but I went beyond what I was comfortable with in trying to be LIKEABLE!
Alot of the friends are very smug & could care less if you are there. It drives me nuts that they think they are so important in there little CLICK.
Just a little rant. Thanx" Author of thread
"They are worried that someone they might be friends with will get themselved disfellowshipped. So therefore, why bother making new friends?" Good Post
I thought that was used for people trying to get reinstated, how many elders use to say "Why is he trying to get reinstated, he's just going to get kicked out once he's back in!"
Don't we have a rich heritage of Pharisees and back-bitters pumping us full of BS? The Watchtower and it's followers have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, I wish the members who are agnostic and atheists would at least admit what Gandi said "I love your Jesus, it's your Christians I hate". Same thing with the Watchtower, they don't practice the love they preach, too many hypocrites pretending to be part of a New World Order.
My mother told me the same thing happened to her when her mother told her about a great religion called the Bible Students. The first three months nobody talked to her, she stopped attending in 1954 until some assholes showed up to the house and invited her to another Kingdom Hall. She was a little less shunned with the new Kingdom Hall, how come she did not go with her gut feelings and leave this Cult. When we moved, the same thing happend (fourth Kingdom Hall 1974), the Witnesses were not friendly this time it only took them two months to introduce themselves to her, I can't imagine going to a Meeting for two months and listening to them preach about "Love and Brotherhood" while they ignore people who walk in to listen to their message.
Nothing has changed, this is one of the biggest complaints about not only JWs but other Churches, people are not as friendly as the Watchtower make's them out to be. The lies told, they must have known their meetings were filled with members who had no love for each other, I wish my Mom had gotten the message early on that this group is not filled with good people as claimed by the Watchtower.
Is the Watchtower Intentionally Trying to Force People to Leave the Organization?
by kneehighmiah inthe leaks from the new november watchtower are alarming.
they will disturb even longtime jws who haven't surrendered all rational thought.
it's become so cult like its scary.
Ok, that leaves the Pedophiles, Self-Righteous Pioneers and Elders with their creepy wives, whose is left? They chase all the weak single mothers out of the congregation, that means the Pedophiles won't have anyone to groom, their going to leave. If the Pedophiles leave, the Elders who enjoy the Wine Tastings and Food Festivals put on by the Pedophiles might become weak because their not going to receive the praise and smoke being blown up their ass by the Pedophiles. The Elderettes will miss Meetings because they won't have the weak Witnesses to compare themselves with. I think it might implode, who will remain?
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
So back to one of the original ideas of the thread, do you think people should listen to a 340 lb Elder riding on scooter, someone so fat he has to sit on a chair to give a public talk? Do they have any business proclaiming "Watch Out!" and "Were so close to a Paradise Earth where everyone will have lots of Good food, nobody will be starving" apparently he's not starving, needs to find another approach to preach, the "lots of good food line" might work with a starving Somalian? Why listen to a group of sick peope, looking at their bodies it's obvious they are suffering from depression and have no business judging other people's views. Why would someone who is healthy both physically and mentally wish to involved themselves with a group sick fat people telling them "your doing everything wrong and if you don't change, you will die at Doomsday!" They have no right telling productive healthy citizens "We have the answers to all your problems" if a person is using logic, they would look at who is talking to them and ask "if the Watchtower and JW.ORG have all the answers, why are you so screwed up?' JWs use to be so tactless, maybe it's time to give them a taste of their own medicine.
What business do messed up Cult followers have coming to the doors of sucessful people trying to ruin their mental and physical health with their Cult? If "the Message is in the messanger", would you invite someone coughing and spitting up blood in your house if there is a Ebola outbreak taking place? JWs have a history of sickly doctrines, broken families and relying off the Government because they did not plan for their future, the Watchtower is in charge of their minds. The rank-and-file are the output of the Governing Body, they are the proverbial "Canary in the Coal Mine" and their not looking so good! The fact is that most JWs don't care about their bodies and attack smart members who give a dam about their health. Also, I noticed in the last decade there are many who are too lazy to prepare fresh foods, they are too busy doing nothing, popping pills and eating processed foods because "Jesus said not to spend to much time on food preparation unless your CO has special diet needs!"
Our food supply is making us sick, it's been traced since the introduction of corn-syrup in everything, we have slowly been packing on weight with each new generation and scientist say this generation of kids is going to be the most unhealthy ever. The COBE is a sick person, he use to love to talk dirty to women in the car group, his wife never had the courage to stop his perverted mouth!
inactive ones going back...
by monis1 ini have quite a big group of friends who were all in the cong together when we were teens.
about 75% of them stopped going or were df'd right after high school.
it is a varied group; a couple are staunch apostates, some dont care one way or another, and another handfull are fully "worldly", but still believe it is the truth.
We already had the biggest Moon we probably won't see in our life-times again pass by. We just had the "Super Moon", Blood Moon, Blue Moons and soon the Harvest Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Halley's Comet happen but nothing happened, why? Sounds like these people are clueless about JW teachings, their deluded if they think their god is going to accept a bunch of selfish people who kicked back almost the entire "Work Day" and showed up the last "Five Minutes" to get their reward, Not! What do these friends think their going to accomplish? You remember making fun of people who showed up on the Memorial and to be excoriated by the COs saying "You won't be saved attending one Meeting a year!".
They have the same selfish motive of the Isrealites and Vast Company of Mixed Crowd that eventually got killed off before their grandchildren inherited the Promise Land. If the religion taught by the Watchtower is true, all people who practice the love Jesus Christ taught are all going to die!
"Jesus Christ did not come into this world to make bad people good; He came into this world to make dead people live. - Lee Strobel