They have moved on to the great "YMCA in the sky"
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass2
Latest Updates On Chitty And Greenlees-Two Governing Body Brothers,
by Scott77 inhi buddies,.
please, can you or anyone around this site updates us on the two governing body brothers, chitty and greenlees?
can we learn any lesson from these two men as to the way the wts deals with some people in general?
Local Elder wins hot tub.
by Clambake inan elder in my cong.
test drove a new a car and was entered in this contest to win a new hot tub.
i don't know if he had to enter to was just.
He should donate it to the new upstate compound! Bethel boys LOVE hot tubs.
Have you reconnected with ex-JW's after you have left the Borg?
by EdenOne inafter reading from another thread, i felt it was worth asking this question.. if you left the borg on your own, have you attempted to meet others whom you used to be connected with while you were "in", but who have also become ex-jw's before or after you have left the wts?
if that's the case, has it remained a friendship, or the connection grew cold?
just curious as to what keeps friendships "stick" [or not] once you no longer have the borg's doctrinal glue.. your experiences are welcome.. eden.
We have reached out to many old friends and Ex JWs through Facebook. It is amazing how many who left or were Dfed still do not know TTAT, are still under mind control...and are hesitant to associate with "APOSTATES". Actually we have more friends with "Fading" JWs (still active!!!) who are awakening to the TTAT.
A number of "Faders" now go to the DC/RC to make a showing during lunch and then hang out at the hotel bars during sessions LOL!! - Sort of an "underground a pasta fest"! 3rd gen and I laughed that perhaps we can share an Italian meal with them at the Hotel while the Convention program drones on next door.
An Unexpected 2 Hour Anti-Leads to an Unexpected Return Visit
by truth_b_known ini just spent 30 minutes writing this story and lost it all before i hit submit.
i'll try to be brief.. last night a former co-worker of my wife's called saying he was on his way to the house to drop off a job he would like her to do.
we haven't seen him in over 8 years.
Well done!
PEER PRESSURE!!! I gave in to Pioneering during August...I feel dirty...
by stuckinarut2 inok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
Aww don't feel so bad. Like Simon said you can "encourage" us online. Eat a few donuts, get a few Starbucks. If you want to visit you can encourage 3rd gen and I over a few beers and burgers.....and even count the time traveling to our place.....
Latest Updates On Chitty And Greenlees-Two Governing Body Brothers,
by Scott77 inhi buddies,.
please, can you or anyone around this site updates us on the two governing body brothers, chitty and greenlees?
can we learn any lesson from these two men as to the way the wts deals with some people in general?
Old "up on the rooof" Chitty
Not on : Question for Jehovah's Witnesses elders: If pants have Pagan origins, is DENIM demonized ?
by Balaamsass2 ina yound sister was severely counciled by the elders for wearing a denim "jean skirt" to the hall last year.
she left with tears in her eyes and never returned.. for the last 50 years denim jeans have been banned at the brooklyn bethel breakfast table.. i understand denim jeans are banned even by tourists visiting beth ell.
billy explained the pants situation in past posts.. so my questions are: what other instances are there of denim bans by watchtower ?
Red Vip, I was told that once, but it makes no sense being because of "image and profession attire". My question is: What company has employees buy cheap polyester suits for a professional image?
NLP, Subliminal Messages and the WT Writing Department
by 00DAD ina few years ago i became interested in the subject of neuro-linguistic programming (nlp).
while the core concepts of nlp have been largely discredited as new-age pseudo-science, there is no doubt that there is at least some validity to the idea.
words and images remain the key way we communicate.
Not on : Question for Jehovah's Witnesses elders: If pants have Pagan origins, is DENIM demonized ?
by Balaamsass2 ina yound sister was severely counciled by the elders for wearing a denim "jean skirt" to the hall last year.
she left with tears in her eyes and never returned.. for the last 50 years denim jeans have been banned at the brooklyn bethel breakfast table.. i understand denim jeans are banned even by tourists visiting beth ell.
billy explained the pants situation in past posts.. so my questions are: what other instances are there of denim bans by watchtower ?
A yound sister was severely counciled by the Elders for wearing a denim "JEAN SKIRT" to the hall last year. She left with tears in her eyes and never returned.
For the last 50 years DENIM JEANS have been banned at the Brooklyn Bethel breakfast table.
I understand DENIM JEANS are banned even by tourists VISITING BETH ELL. Billy explained the Pants situation in past posts.
So my questions are: WHAT other instances are there of DENIM BANS by Watchtower ? WHEN & Why did the ban start? IF it is because of DeMONZES...WHERE ARE THE DeeeeMOOONZES hiding? In the rivets? Weave? Or the pockets??
Weird crazy rules imposed by your local Elders.
by stuckinarut2 inwe all know the sort of thing..... in many congregations, specific "rules" creep in...introduced by the local elders that become set in stone.. years ago, i heard of a congregation that sat down during the first song of the evening but stood for all others (the co changed that very soon after).
then there were the older accounts of congs that had rules to make the public speakers wear only white shirts.... in one cong now, i heard that brothers can only be used for sound or microphones if they do a minimum of 5 hours per month in the ministry!.
another cong has ruled that all appointed men must pioneer for at least one month each year in order to remain qualified.. .
Before the big exit....I only wore sport coats and colored shirts so I would stop getting tapped to give talks at the last minute....sorry suit. lol!