It all depends.. Walking into the local Social Security office is really the only way to find out. Most Bethelites did some real work before Bethel and have some credits. They may need to go back to work doing SOMETHING to build up enough recent "credits" and retirement savings before eventually applying for Social Security at 62, 66 or 70s in the USA. Bethel contributed a little for me based on a minimum wage calculation based on my meager allowance and room and board. I have no idea what has been done more recently.
Bookkeeping, tax prep, window washing, apartment managers, sales, Uber Driving...anything a senior can (hopefully) physically do long enough that pays INTO the Social Security system to build up credits before actually filing to claim benefits in their 70s. No doubt they will make so little they will qualify for government subsidized groceries, housing and medical right away. They may be living in their car or on a park bench at first.