Pistoff - Thanks for putting that in context - it is really a glaring example of a special kind of evil in the magazines and in the minds of individual witnesses like the above quoted "Duke the Star" I had a hard time figuring out if the original post was from the WT or what part was a "comment" made by someone referred to as Duke the Star. I have not attended a meeting in so many years this forum is my only way to follow what strange things are going on in the WT now.
A truly creepy comment and so blatantly Cultish. Saying what he said out loud, had to make some people squirm at their own position in supporting this organization and if anyone actually reads the Bible, there is no way this chapter supports anything remotely like a governing body or obedience to magazines or men.
Blondie- I did not mean to offend you, sorry, I could not tell what your position on the things you were quoting or reporting was. It reads like you are neutral or in favor of, its hard to tell just on its face. Again I did not mean it as a personal attack, sorry.