Its hard. When injustices are done to you and you suffer, people tell you to "move on". Some are able to compartmentalize their emotions and brains.
Often those that did these things, do not apologize. Even if they later change their behavior. The WT is famous for never apologizing. 16 years is a whole childhood for children you may have been separated from. Its hard. Its cruel. No doubt. Many will advise forgiveness, to forgive and forget. Even parents of murdered children have "forgiven" the murderer and I think this kind of forgiveness is to stop the pain. We all want things labelled "closure" and reconciliation or even a chance to relive our own lives, its the ongoing theme of literature and movies and art. Something inside that wants completion, justice, resolution, and end to sadness and separation.
Daydreaming can occupy useful time, may be you can write letters to your lost loved ones and at least tell them how you have been affected. It could be someone in your family might respond, you never know. Hardness sits like a dark lump and resentment often spills out on others in mean little ways, being clear and unburdened is freeing, letting go in a positive way, without grudges, if that is possible.